
671 43 14

"whenever I try to hate you,I just end up with hating myself."


It's been three days since he last saw him, and he's miserable .So miserable ,that everything sucks.It seems like days are long than centuries and so is his nights,this is not even separation then why he's dying to see his face,why his ears are desperately waiting for that familiar knock or that one more "mr.zayn",why he wants that boy to scold him or say weird things to him, anything but he just wants him back in front of his eyes ,then maybe his heart will get some relief.

Dan knows the reason of this silence ,cause he can read him now like a open book after spending all these years doing everything together.He wants to ask him that why this desperation for a common boy ,but he can't, zayn don't like to repeat same things again and again, cause according to him it's a wastage of time and energy.

"I think we should close that deal with Dylan and his team, cause I don't trust them zayn.And their product is of low quality as well"
But zayn was somewhere else rewinding the last thing harry told him"you don't have heart .you just know how to hurt someone and make them cry" this line was stuck in his mind and he don't feel good, cause he don't want harry to hate him.

And he don't know why,but he wants to hear only good things from his mouth like babe or baby or honey anything not this bad words.

"Zayn are you even li------"

"I don't care dan ,do what you want .I'm tired leave me alone"
He said while lighting another smoke. To get away from one addiction ,he started smoking more so that he can forget his gorgeous face,his eyes,his freckles and his eyelashes .Zayn adore his eyelashes but sometimes he thinks his nose is more cute like a teddy bear.

"And I think I know that tired"
Dan said while removing all the paper aside.

"I think tired is a boy with curly locks and a motor mouth ,and his name is barry or something right."

Zayn muttered and closed his eyes and then again the same face . It seems like his eyes don't know anything except harry's face. harry ,harry ,harry everywhere harry.

"Zayn listen to me.I'm your brother or maybe more smarter than you ,if you like him just tell him okay, if he agrees then fine ,and if not then we've our own ways."

"Don't even think about it dan.If I ever heard that any of you have tried anything with him ,I swear to god I don't know what I'll do"
He said eyes still closed,but the things he feel when someone talk about hurting his harry is indescribable.

"His"from when he's yours Zayn, from when he's your everything.From when you become like this .
You was the one who've always believed that this love and all these things is bullshit , then what is this.And the simple answer is he don't know, how he fell for someone and how harry is the reason of his every single heartbeat he really don't know. It just happened and now there's no going back.

After few minutes of silence when dan was about to move Zayn asked him something which was enough for him to know that zayn is on some new path now, far away from this world.



"Do you um think I can love someone"?

A small chuckle left Dan's mouth ,he shakes his head and started rubbing his neck.

"Zayn you can ask me about guns and bullets but this love um I don't know brother .But the things I've heard from everyone it's really a very complicated thing and for the guys like us who can't even solve a simple sum of mathematics I think it's really hard for us broh".

"Really ,um tell me then what you have heard cause I hate romantic shits"

"Nothing just you go on date, then some more dates a lot of I love yous and sorrys as well. Then you get engaged and then marriage, and I've heard after that your life will become hell that's it brother."


"Hm date with candles and roses I think, but now a days they prefer couch date or something "

"Oh okay but how to ask someone for a date"

"Zayn I'm not Jack or Ryan Gosling ,watch some romantic movies instead of Goodfellas you'll come to know"

And now there was a uncomfortable silence cause it was the first time in years that they've talked about something else other than deals and cases . Dan excused himself after muttering a small I'm sorry.

On the other hand harry's life becomes more difficult.The guys in his school and their nasty comments now work as a haunting nightmare for him.No matter how much he complain,but if you've money then you can't be wrong these days that's how this world works.

He wipes his tears and started writing something, but then also some tear drops fell on his vintage page.

Dear is boring soh lovely diary.

The first thing that I wants to see is smile on everyone's face, and I want to be the reason of that smile.


It's raining here and I love rain soh much, but rain is sad & so is my eyes.

Comments please ❤️

only if you knew..(zarry)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora