Without her being conscious, a faint smile was forming on her lips.

Suga clears his throat, which makes her avert her eyes.

"Stop gawking at me, Kitten,"

She hung her head low, Why is he so difficult always?

Suga yawned. He kept the book on the nightstand switched off the lights except for the lamp and slumped on the bed facing her.

Annastasia still sat there having no idea what to do next.


"Y-yes, Sir."

"Lie down,"

She looked at him, and then carefully lied down like a mummy ready to be put into a casket and buried.

Just as she lie down, he pulled her in his embrace and hugged her tightly which burying his head near her neck, as usual, like it's his favorite place.

Annastasia became tizzy. Is it necessary to sleep this close? This man is fucking up with my feelings. I'm going to have an attack anytime sooner.

He closed his eyes, composedly, and spoke, "What work did Jimin have?"

I didn't expect he would ask me this.

"I asked something, Kitten, "

What do I tell him? her nervousness grew.

When he didn't receive any answer, he lifted his head to look at her.

She gasped. Her body was still not used to his touch nor his stare. And now this proximity didn't let her think. His entire existence always challenged her entire being.

"If you are thinking about lying to me then drop that idea Kitten," he warned.

Now she had no choice but, to tell the truth.

Annastasia told everything like how Jimin decided to take her as his partner and even the girlfriend part. While she was speaking his eyes were looking at her lips.

"So, he asked me to accompany him."

When she finally finished speaking, he replied, "Ask him to take my permission."

She nodded.

They both continued staring at each other. Annastasia couldn't handle the tension and ended up pecking his lips.

And the next thing they know is their clothes lying on the floor.

Their anonymous relationship was a need for him, and love for her. It was impossible for her not to fall in love with whom she spent her days and nights. Moreover, this thing was proving to be true for Suga as well. He could no longer sleep without Annastasia in his arms. He needs her skin to feel alive and her presence to add meaning to his days. But he was incognizant. Suga assumed that all he was doing was just using her for his means. But this would prove fallacious. Meanwhile, Annastasia, let her life go with his flow. She did all his work happily and let him touch willingly. She had earlier surrendered herself unwantedly but now she is consciously letting him use her because she trusts him with all her heart.


"Where are you taking my Secretary?"

Jimin and Annastasia were standing in front of Suga who was sitting on the couch of the living room.

"Hyung, it's a New Year Party." Jimin had finally acquired the guts to face his brother.

"At what time?"

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