I look over my shoulder again, over the edge. It's a long way down but it looks so peaceful at the bottom, like a fluffy white cloud. The wind whips across my face leaving a burning sensation in it's wake. Tonight the sky is utterly black. Only the tiniest sliver of the moon to be seen. I place one foot against the ledge, using my other to hoist me up and I let go of the railing. Placing one foot in front of the other. I'm walking a tightrope and whichever way the wind blows me, I'll fall.

I look back to him—feeling impossibly tall—and pale, wide eyes stare back at me, somehow surprised and disinterested at the same time. I'm vaguely aware that I only feel so big because Regulus still has his feet on the ground.

"Get down, sunshine," He crosses his arms over his chest, and his voice has a bite I guess I should've been expecting. He's sopping wet and dressed in black head to toe. His shirt looks like tissue paper, glued to his skin, and his hair sticks up on one end, spiky and wet. It's flattened over one eye and dripping down his face on the other side. His white skin reflects the sliver of moonlight like a mirror.

I don't understand his words, I continue staring.

Regulus now holds out a hand. I gaze at it, not sure what I'm supposed to do.

His grey eyes appraise me for a second, and then he shrugs. In a quick and supple motion, he pulls himself up, joining me on the tightrope.  He outstretches his arms and looks up to the midnight sky, closing his eyes. Regulus looks so painfully at ease, and the snowflakes contrast against his black curls and button up perfectly. I can't look away. There is something so striking about him, with barbed edges to his depiction and sophisticated darkness.

In a moment the world becomes a snow globe, one of those Christmas time ornaments children love to shake and watch the snowflakes swirl in unforeseen currents. He becomes one of the figurines inside. So neatly, meticulously, gently carved. 

"Well?" Regulus questions, lowering his head.

He's now the one looking down at me.

The wind screams it's high pitched tune. "Huh?" my voice is drown out.

"Are you planning to jump or not?"

Rationally, I know my lungs must still be intact, yet I gasp for air and my head spins like my effort yields me nothing. My heart must be beating, too, but I can't hear the sound of my pulse in my ears anymore; my hands feel blue with cold. "I don't know,"

Regulus lifts his left foot, wobbling slightly as he holds all his weight on his right leg. Toying with the idea of falling, too. I think about what i'm seeing. Think about the time of night. The temperature. He's not wearing a coat. Gloves. Anything to protect against the winter weather.

"Are—are you?" The words are out before I can even fully process them. Though, I don't think I can process anything.

His lip curls up on one side. He sweeps the wet hair out of his face. "If I was, you'd be interrupting." Regulus hops down to the ground, to safety.

I pause—having to stagger my feet to stay balanced on the ledge, but I pause for just a second. My mind feels clear and sharp and I wonder if the idea of Regulus Black killing himself bothers me.

It would be the least painful thing to happen tonight.

I'm so caught up in the refreshing feeling of a stable train of thought, I almost miss his next words. "But, there's always the chance that if I did, I wouldn't die. Just break every single bone in my body."

Huh. I hadn't considered that possibility.

The wind blows too hard and my foot slips too quick and my eyes shut. I don't think I want to die. I don't want all my bones to break. I feel the air underneath me as I fall.

'where we are now' remus lupin & regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now