Dash's "Awesome" Life Story

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Dash's Pov

"Hey Mom are you awake I want to start my training already", a familiar young voice said while I was laying on my bed just thinking about yesterday "I awake I just been thinking", I said "what did something bad happen", Scootaloo said as she got on the bed with me "yeah Twilight is angry at me and know my secret and now I think we have officially broken up", I said while feeling down until I out of nowhere heard knock on the door "Scout can you get that I got to get something to eat "sure mom", she said while we both head to the kitchen "hi Twilight what up", sis said which surprised the life out of me as a familiar purple mane horse walk up to me "Twilight what are you doing here you not angry at me", I said while I look at the beautiful mare "I kinda am but at the same time I went to hear your story", she said "yeah I kinda do too mom", Scout said while I put my spoon in the cereal "wait please don't tell me, you are her actual mother", Twlight said "no I adoptive her", I said "wait you a orphan", Twi said in surprise voice "yeah", Scout said "okay I think it good time for me to explain everything Twi you better make sure you have you notepad ready", I said as I sat on the couch while I kept eating my cereal "always", Twi said as I get ready to tell a really long story.

"Well it all started in May about 22 years ago see my mom Celestia was at a party where she met this men that still to this day she hasn't actually told me his name yet", I said before I took a bite of my marshmallow cereal "dang Celestia must have really hated this guy", Scout said "yeah she did anyways you probity guess what happened at the party ponies got drunk off cider and did the grown-up thing", I said while trieding to hide stuff for the kid in the room "you do realize this is the same kid that use to live behind the house of two love-ones", Scout said "I know kid but I kinda don't like using the word anyways so let get to the good part a year later I was born and I was name Rainbow dash after there was a rainbow in the sky when I was born", I said while I finish my cereal "what about the Dash part", Twi said "don't worry I will get to that later anyways just like my mom I was born with a horn and wings and let just say Celestia wasn't happy with me being born at the time she well in training to become the queen of Equestia with the previous queen Luna be banish by a villain", I said "wait so Celestia and Luna are not sister", Twilight said "nope their even try to date a couple of times but it never work out", I said "I think I going to be sick", Scout said "anyways Celsetia know is people find out she was pregret it mint lead her repretaition to go down so she decide her best to hide me after I was born she give me the last name Dash and told me to only to called her mom in private meetings and where a hat to cover my horn", I said "so did any pony really buy it", Scoot said "kinda some ponies in the castle thought I was just a maid's kid but sadly the more I did it toward my friends and lying to their face the more I reget doing it and that really didn't help when my mom met Sunburst Sunrod", I said "wait isn't that Princess Sunset's dad", Twi said "yeap and while I never been mad at my sister for the separation of me and mom she was the starting point of it she became the princess while I got no royal treatment she was able to go on princess meeting with mom and a lot more all of this lead me to decide to went to just leave so once I got the money from my job, and now I have a kid and I couldn't be happier", I said "then tell me Dash what did you have to hide it form your friends", Twi said while looking kinda sad "I didn't mean to I wanted to be just myself I wanted none fo this princess stuff to brother me in the future life and plus I was going to tell you guys on my birthday but I guess things change", I said "I guess you right thanks Dash for being honest but I think I still need time", Twi said while she got ready to leave "okay you can have all time you need I still love you like always", I said "and maybe one day I will say the same", she said before she left "while that didn't go as bad as thought it would go", Scout said "I guess you right anyways we should probity get going before my sister arrive", I said before me and scout heard a loud knock on the other side of the door.

Sunset's Pov

"Hey, Sunset wasn't that the new Princess crying back there", the light purple horse girl said behind me as I knock on the door "Maybe I haven't met her yet", I said before the door open to lead me to see a familiar blue rainbow horse "sis", I said in a happy voice while I hug her "hey it been long time", Dash said while returning the hug "I know", I said as I let go leading me to play attraction to little orange filly standing next to her "is this her", I said while I look at the girl "yeap, say hi to your aunt scout", Dash said "hi I Scootaloo nice to meet you", the little filly said "hey I Sunset I like to hear your story", I said "and let guess you must be her girlfriend Starlight", Dash said while looking and standing next to my girl "hi tell me where you the one that made the new princess cry", she said "kinda sis did you already tell her", Dash said while I join them in the conversation "no I thoughts you wanted to do it", I said while I walk into the house "while let just say my girlfriend didn't like that I lie", Dash said while lifting her hat enough somepony could see the horn leading her to be have a cute shock look on her face "I see what you mean'", she said "okay anyways let get inside I make some coffee and Scout will tell you her story", Dash said before we all went into the warm blue house.

Scootaloo's Pov

"So on the day, I was born my parents didn't want me in their life so they send me to live in the ponyville orphanage", I said while I drink the hot cocoa that my mom gaves to me "one day I see Rainbow Dash fly and I couldn't get her out of my head how great she look flying and how great she was at doing it", I said before I took another sip "and after she saves me once I fall from the cloud", I said "wait shouldn't a filly at your age know how to fly", Sunset said "I don't I had no one to train me how to use my wings", I said in a sad voice "and that my job to teach her", Mom said "yeah I can't wait", I said in a happy voice "anyways what happens after you fall", Starlight said "well after Dash saves me we started meeting more and more and getting along more and this eventually lead up to her trying to save me when the changlings attack and I saw her horn", I said as my smile went down "so she blackmail me and told me that she would tell the hold world that I have a horn and she only won't do it if I give her a place to live", mom said "yeah I not happy I did that", I said while putting a hoof being my back "don't worry Scout if I knew your story back then I will have adpot you in a heart beat", she said while give me a hug "thanks mom", I said while I return the hug as I heard two girls awning in background "anyways me and Scout got work to do", Mom said before she got up form the blue couch "anyways here a key", Mom said while handing Sunset something yellow "your guys room is on the secod floor third room", Mom said "thanks" the other adults said "no promblem you two have fun", Mom said while she put me on her back and we leave her blue house in the clouds.

Dash's Pov

"Okay Scout are you all done stretching", I said while we stand in the middle of the wonderbolts stadium "yeap so now I can fly", she said in a really happy voice "yeap so you do feel the wind on your body already", I said, "yeah what about it," she said and both are manes were moving rapidly in a different direction "while you should use it to your advance to help you move through the air", I said while I starting flying and out of nowhere I saw a familiar purple main pony stand in the stadium which causes me not play attraction and made me fall on my face "Mom am I spose to do that", Scout said as fell the pain on my head "no Scootaloo you're not spose to she was just surprise", Twi said while making sure Scout wouldn't get the idea to do what I did by putting a foot in front of her legs "so what you doing here Twi", I said "I wonder if it will be okay if you trained me too", she said "you can always join Twi", I said before the training continues for the rest of the night.

To be Continued in ch.4

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