Dash's Kinda-Normal Day

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Dash's Pov

"Dash you need to wake up", a familiar voice said while I lyed on the bed still feeling tired "5 more minutes Scout", I said in a tired voice and putting the pillow over my ears "fine I tell everyone at school your secret", Scootaloo said "fine I'd get up", I said after I took my blanket off my body sat up form my cloud bed "Dash they're a hole in your hat", she said leading me to grab my hat "I will get one out from my closet just throw that one in the trash", I said before she left and I went to my closet to see tons of hat that all look the same having the world wonderbolts on them with a pegasus flying above the word and the top hat being blue and the button half bing black "hey Scout can you get the mail while you throwing that hat away", I said in a kinda loud voice as I put a new hat on and start to head down the stairs "sure thing", she said while I made sure to go in the kitchen and make us both a bowl of cereal "anything importment", I said while I look at her holding the mail in her wings just like I taught her "you got a letter form your mom and your sister", she said while she put them on the table "I wonder what my sis want", I said while me and scout eat some bites of our cereal by using are wings to hold the spoon "you getting better Scout", I said while I look at her wing formed "does that means I can move on to the next step actually flying", she said with a really happy face "Scout this all part of the progress", I said "I know but I like to actually feel the wind in my wings", she said while looking kinda sad "you said you wanted to fly just like me and this is the stuff I do to pratice", I said as her face almost turn in to the puppy eyes I seen Applejack's dog do "fine, on friday after school me and you could try flying", I said in a tired voice "YES", she said in a really happy voice "you won't mind if I do some cutie mark crusaders shelf after school today", she said after she finish her cereal "that fine I could take you their I kinda plan to talk to Applejack anyways", I said while I put both our bowl in the sink "yes", she said as she grab her school bag "you know the rule right", I said while I grab the mail "yes don't say out to late and only sleepover after I asked you if it okay", she said while me and her walk out of the house "good girl", I said "hey Dash", she said while I lock the door to my house "yeah Scout", I said "is it okay if I start calling you mom", she said which cause me to stop walking "if you ready to, but I don't think I ready yet", I said as I walk back up to her "when will that be", she said as she got on my back after using my wings as stirs "I don't know yet but for right now can we just leave it", I said as I make sure to scratch out my wings "sure I guess", she said before she grab my neck "okay are you ready", I said "always", she said before I jump off the cloud and fly all the way in direction of her school.

"Hey sis", I read from the note as I lay in a cloud that was moving slowly but I didn't care where it was going "I know it been a while since the last time I sent a letter to you sorry about that it been a crazy five months do you remember that last time I wrote to you I said mom was sending me to Our Town to deal with a Starlight Glimmer who have taken over the city", I read form the note "yeah I remember that", I said in my head before I look back at the note "While the more and more me and her talk the more and more we became closer and now we a couple", I read "that nice but what does this have to do with me", I said "you probity wondering what this has to do with you while I been wanting you to meet her and her to see my home so I was wondering it will be okay if I and we could live with you for a couple of days if that will be alright", I read the final sentence on the letter "I guess that will be fine", I said before I grab a piece of paper "Sunset you fine to come over whenever you went", I wrote before I stop and got Scootaloo in my head "but their might be a problem you guys mint have to be fine sleeping in one bed you mint ask why well you not the only one who haved a crazy couple of months remember when I told you about Scootaloo my number one fan while it kinda long story I make sure to tell you when you get here but anyways one thing lead to another and now she living with me anyways and sadly I working too much now to have time to build another room, so if you don't mind sleeping with eachother I love to meet your special somepony and you could definitely come over and stay for a couple of days", I said before I put the letter down so I could get ready to put in my mailbox "now what does mom went", I said before I grab her note "honey I want you to come over to the castle tomorrow for a talk", I read the short note "fine but I not going to be happy about it", I said while I grab another paper wrote that on the note leading to see my watch and see it was close to work time "I better go put these letter in the mailbox before I got to go to work", I said after I grab the letter and made sure to get ready to fly the all the way to my house in the clouds.

Applejack's Pov

"hey kid the others are waiting for you in the treehouse," I said right in front of the orange filly "thanks", she said before she left leading me to the girl behind her "hi hon what brought you here", I said while I look at the rainbow-maned blue horse "hey Jack can we talk", Rainbow Dash said while she put a foot behind her head "always", I said before she sat right next to me on the white stirs of my house "AJ, scouts wanted to call me mom", she said in a worried voice "Wow Dash th't great", I said in a really happy voice "I know, but am I really the right person to be called that word", she said still in her worry voice "Dash how much do you care for her", I said while I grab her foot "I went to be there for her when she learns to fly I went to see her grow into an adult, and I went to protect her", she said whith one happiest smile I have ever seen on her face "well there you go so take the leap sign those adoption paper become her mom and you can let her call you that", I said "thank you AJ", she said "no problem so anything else you went to talk about how about you and Twi", I said before her face went back to sadness slient "what did you two break up", I said in a really worry voice really wishing I didn't being Twi up "it nothing like that is just me and her are taking some time off from each other", she said while she looking like she was hiding something but I knew it probiety not a good idea to ask "spaking of loveones I mint have saw you and Prinkie kiss while I was flying", she said which kinda let me to have a embarrassed face "Dash", I said "sorry you see a lot of thing when you just flying around Polyvile", she said "you better not tell I was going to tell you during Pinkle birthday party on Wednesday", I said in a kinda angry voice "don't worry I won't so do you love her", she said "Dash", I said in a more embarrassed voice then last time "what do you", she said "yes I do now can we please stop talking about it", I said while trying to hide my pink cheeks "sure if you don't mind watching Scootaloo form me while I go hang out with Fluttershy", I said "hon you don't have to ask", I said "thanks AJ", she said while giving me a out of noway hug that I return "no problem", I said "anyways I got to go", she said after she let go and start to fly in the air "bye big sis", she said before she left not giving me enough time to reply to what she said "hon can you help cook dinner", a familiar old voice said behind me "sure thing Granny", I said while I gut up for the stirs and start walking into my house to do the other shelf I need to do for the day.

Dash's Pov

"I not late am I", I said while looking at the yellow horse with pink hair watering her flowers "no you on time", she said after she put the water thing down "so what do you need me for", I said as I follow her into her house "I have a date today", she said as she sat on the green chair and I sat on the green couch "that great sis but with who", I said in a really happy voice "you will never be able to guess it, Queen Luna", she said in a kinda happy voice "that Awesome!!! Shy", I said in a really happy voice "I know but am I really ready to date a princess", she said in her usual worry shy voice "Shy how much do you love her", I said "I want to her to be with me every day", she said with a happy voice "well there you go Shy so don't care what anyone else says, so wear a nice dress and get ready for one of the best day in your life", I said before I give her a hug "thanks sis", she said "no problem", I said before I let go of the hug "but I think time someone has to get ready for her date", I said after let go of her "but what about you did you tell Twilght your secret yet", she said causing me to stop right infront of the door "no I haven't I been buzy", I said while trying my best to not to look at her "you better tell her", she said "I will try but now I got to go get my daughter", I said before I open the door and left the cabin in the woods.

Scootaloo's Pov

"There you are", I said while looking at a blue horse with rainbow-maned flying in the air and coming closer to me "sorry if I late anyways are you ready to go home", Dash said while looking at me "yeap", I said as she let me get onto her back "thanks AJ for watching her", she said while looking at the orange horse sitting on the white stirs "no problem hon being her over any time you went", Jack said "will do goodnight, big sis", I said "goodnight", Jack said before she went into her house and Dash start flying in the sky with the sunset shining right on us "why do call Applejack big sis," I said while I hold on to her neck "I just see her as someone who knows more about the world then me", she said before a yawn came out of my mouth "are you getting tried, scout", Dash said "a little," I said while felling my eyes getting sleepy "if you went to you could go to sleep I wake you up when we get home", she said before I left go of her neck and get ready to take a short nap on top of her "hey Scout before you go to sleep if you went to...I will be fine with you calling me mom", she said "I love to goodnight mom", I said before I close my eyes "goodnight hon", Mom said as the last thing I heard for the rest of the flight.

To Be Continued in ch.2

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