"Jeez, Stef. That is something a fetus like you will never understand." She scolds.

To be honest, the number of times I've mentally pinched myself to see whether I'm dreaming is uncountable. I'm sweating lava after watching her walk in with guns, and this girl is joking around like it's nothing.

Stefan directs his gaze first at their intertwined fingers, then at my brother. The look that my brother was using to give him. He asks Mae, "Why didn't you tell me about him then?"

"Why? Are you my therapist?"

Stefan clenches his teeth and looks away.

Mae hasn't given Stefan a straight answer from what I've witnessed thus far between these siblings.

"Can we get to the part where it involves guns?" As I inquire hesitantly, I cast a peek around the room.

Except for me, everyone in this room knows everything there is to know about her.

Stefan and Mae share a glance. She turns to face me after a quick nod from Stefan.

The space is filled with a suffocating atmosphere and thick tension. Mae's stare remains fixated on me for a few seconds, still debating whether or not to tell me.

She takes a deep breath and begins.

"As you are probably aware, Austin Peirce, my and Stefan's father, is the owner of Peirce Enterprise, a global jewel, and precious stone exporter." She pauses as if she's about to delve into the meat of the story.

"I was always the spoiled brat growing up, but not the kind of spoilt brat who spends nights after nights in clubs or sleeps around and spends a lot of money. I was the one who was hitting, kicking, and punching people. I was stronger and rebellious than Stef. Still am."

She chuckles. Stefan relaxes after a long time as a faint smile appears on his face hearing Mae.

"So. . ." Mae trails off. "My dad recognized me as his secret backbone for the company's undercover and unrecorded business dealings as early as high school. Stefan, on the other hand, was always the one who was immersed in the trade and market's technicalities. And, as much as I hate complimenting him, he has a great way of dealing with people with his brain and words."

"And all you know is kicking someone's ass if they don't listen to you." Stefan pokes fun at her, something I would never do.

I hit the brakes of my thoughts. This was precisely what I expected to hear, but it sounded far worse, far more frightening, and far more unexpected.

"At the age of eighteen, I had my first real fight and kill. I'm not sure who it was, though." She shrugs, pouting like a complete naivete.

I take a deep breath and swallow hard.

She's a fucking crazed lunatic!

I take a step back unconsciously, unable to take my gaze away from her bright smile and sparkling eyes.

"In short," she adds, her posture totally relaxed and cool. "For our father's company and business, I do all the dirty work. People that threaten our family are killed, kidnapped, and tortured by me. Stefan uses the power he wields under our father's name to erase all of my tracks and traces."

Seduced Fall ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz