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"I'll be Slytherin, just like dad" Scorpius said, during our drive to the station.

Hannah and I looked at each other smiling, while our kids were discussing about their first year at Hogwarts.

"I hope to be in Gryffindor, just like mum" Sybil said proudly

"Gryffindor are boring, Slytherin is the best house" Scorpius answered back

"Ehy! Gryffindor is the best house!" Han said turning to talk to our son

"Shut up" I said laughing, and she laughed too.

Once we arrived between laughs and jokes in the meantime, I helped with the bags while Hannah went to say hello to Hermione, Weasley and Potter. It was Rose's and Albus' first year too at Hogwarts, and Hannah confessed to me several times that she hoped they would have all became friends.

"Sybil, Scorpius come here" Han said, she was next to me "be careful, study, and have fun, but don't do anything stupid, I recommend!" she said looking at them, and then hugging them, then it was my turn.

We watched the train leaving until we couldn't see it anymore.

"love, there are Blaise and Theo. I'm going to say hello to them, want to come?" I asked

"I had already done that, go, I'll stay here with Hermione and Ginny" she answered me back, and then kissing me on the cheek

"ehy, guess who's back!" Theo said hugging me, Blaise did that too.

"How are you?" I asked, I was really happy to see them.

After all those years, we continued to see each other but obviously not as much as when we were at Hogwarts. I was really glad to have them as friends, after all of that years.

"not bad"

"first time for them?" Blaise asked

"yes, they were so excited. How about yours?"

"Mine is in third year, while Blaise's is in second"

"they all grow up so fast" I said, not believing they were all at Hogwarts.

We continued talking for a bit, until Hannah and I had to return home.

We found a house just outside London.

It wasn't as big as the Malfoy Manor, but it was perfect for the four of us.

Once we were in the car, before leaving, I looked at her, my wife for 12 years, and I smiled. Even though they passed 14 years after our last year at Hogwarts, and after the war, I couldn't believe she was mine.

I mean, I knew she was the one, my soulmate, but every day I still considered myself so lucky to have her by my side.

"They're going to be fine" I said, she nodded

"yeah, I mean they took all the intelligence from me" she said laughing, and I laughed too

"Oh, stop it" I said.

At home I was alone, Hannah had to go to work.

After the war she decided to become an Auror, and with her also Ron and Harry, while Hermione and I worked at Ministry for muggle relations.

From the beginning I decided to distance myself from my father.

Hermione and I got on really well, and we worked good together. My father didn't agree about my work, saying the same old stuff, but I learned how not to care, and to do what I thought it was the best for me, my wife and my children.

For a few days I wondered where my diary from when I was teenager was.

I didn't know why I wanted so bad to reread it, but, somehow, I was curious to read it after so many years.

Since I was alone at home, I decided to go the attic and look for it.

After an hour or so, I found it at the end of a box.

It was a simple black notebook, but I remembered how important it was during my years at Hogwarts, especially the sixth, when everything changed.

Even though Voldemort was dead, my mark was still on my arm. Every now and then it bothered me to look at it, but I knew it didn't define me, just like Hannah told me as soon as she knew about that.

I leafed through it for a while, without talking. I was a bit nervous.

Then a piece of paper came out from the pages, and it caught my attention. I opened it, and I immediately remembered when I wrote that, it was the afternoon before the night Dumbledore died. I remembered that I felt the need to write it.

I knew it by heart for how many times I had read it, but I wanted to read it anyway.

"Dear Hannah,

I don't know why I'm writing this letter.

I do know that you'll never read it, because I don't want to, but maybe with this letter I can express myself, to feel better, you know.

I want to start saying I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry for so many things. I have behaved badly toward you so many times that I can't understand how you can forgive me so easily every time.

I'm sorry for how things had gone.

You deserve so much more than a complicated person like me.

I still remember the moment my eyes met yours.

We were on the train to Hogwarts, our fifth year, your first day of school at Hogwarts.

You were with Harry, Hermione and Ron. Even though I behaved like an asshole, I knew that there was something different in you.

You sent me into crisis. I had never felt in that way for a person, especially for a girl, and I didn't know how to behave, you know I'm not the best at dealing with people.

But with you it was all so natural. When I was with you, I felt myself, even now.

Especially this year I tried to stop loving you, so I built walls around my heart.

But you were in my heart, and I didn't want you to leave, even though it was for your own safety.

If things will go in a way I don't want them to go, I just hope you won't forget about me, about us, the way we looked at each other every time we are in the same room, the way we felt when we are together.

Before I met you, love didn't exist.

Before you I was this fragile fragment of a man longing to fell something other than the loneliness that I was in – and then just like that, you took all my broken pieces and made me feel whole again.

I don't know if you'll ever understand how much I love you, and how much you mean to me.

Hannah you are my entire world. You are my sun, my soulmate, my everything.

I don't know how things will go for us, but if something will go wrong, you'll always be my one and only.

You're my best friend, my soulmate. And I know it is you, it has always been you.

Yours, always


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