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Days passed, and I couldn't enjoy them as I should. I was wondering what he was doing in that place, and why he wasn't answering to my letters.

Without even realizing it, we were on the train to Hogwarts. Hermione, Harry and Ron were talking about some stuff, but I wasn't paying attention. I stood up, and I exited the compartment

"see you later guys, I have to do something" I didn't wait for their answers, as I knew they were aware of where I was going.

I reached the "Slytherin part" of the train, and I saw him talking to Blaise and Pansy. I did everything I could not to run to him and kiss him. I wanted explanations.

I cleared my throat "Hi", all three of them looked up at me, Blaise smiled at me without doing anything else since he probably already knew the situation, I didn't look at Pansy since I really didn't care about her, while an indecipherable expression appeared oh Draco's face.

"Blaise, Pansy, exit the compartment" Draco said.

As they came out the compartment, I sat in front of him, where Blaise was sitting

"Why didn't you reply to any of my letters?" I asked

"I didn't have nothing to say" he said, I looked at his eyes, I knew he was lying

"You're lying" I said

"I'm not. I was busy" he said shrugging, like it was all normal

"Oh, sure, you were so busy that you couldn't even write a single letter to you girlfriend, saying that you were alright" I said

"you're not my girlfriend" he said looking in my eyes

I could feel my heart breaking in million pieces, I felt tears in my eyes, but I managed not to cry in front of him, I didn't want him to win, to look how he made me feel.

I looked at him, trying to seem strong even though I wasn't

"Well" I cleared my throat "if so, then I take it out the way" I stood up, and walked away without looking back at him, it wasn't worth it, he wasn't worthy anymore.

I felt warm tears running on my cheeks, but I wiped them immediately, I didn't want anyone to notice that. I noticed Blaise looking at me worried, but I didn't stop, I continued walking, directed to my compartment.

I faked a smile while entering the compartment with Ron, Harry and Hermione.

"is everything ok Hannah?" Harry asked. He knew what I felt for the entire summer, and I knew he was worried about what could have happened.

"Yeah, everything is fine" I said faking a smile.

They didn't say nothing about me for the entire journey. I didn't talk to them until we arrived, I just passed the time looking out the train window.

"I need some air" Harry said exiting the compartment and taking his invisibility cloak, we were almost arrived, but any of us had the time to reply to Harry.

Ron, Hermione and I looked each other confused, but we didn't say anything.

When we arrived at the platform, Harry didn't show up

"where's Harry?" Hermione asked

"he's probably already on the platform. Come on" Ron said.

I followed them outside the train, and I saw Hagrid waiting for the first-year students. I really wished not to meet Draco on the way to the castle. I didn't want to see him.

We didn't see Harry during the feast, and I was starting to get worried about it

"don't worry. He'll be here in a minute" Ron was eating. He seemed very hungry.

Hermione, Ginny and I looked at each other, and I sighed. Feast was already finished, and Harry hadn't showed up.

"Will. You. Stop. Eating? Your best friend is missing" Hermione said while beating Ron with her book

"Oi, turn around you lunatic" he said

We all turned around, and I saw Harry walking to us, with a cloth full of blood on his nose

"he's covered in blood again. Why is he always covered in blood?" Ginny asked

"Looks like it is his own, this time" I said looking at him

"what happened? Who did this?" Hermione asked

"Malfoy. I'll explain that later" Harry said

"what? It's not possible he-" I was finishing the phrase, but Harry interrupted me

"Yes, he broke my nose. Luna fixed it earlier" he said.

I didn't reply. I sighed. It wasn't for Draco to do such a thing. He changed during that summer, I didn't know why, but I was determined to find out.

I looked at Slytherin table. Everyone was talking, except for him. He was looking down, the head resting on his hand. He seemed sad. It wasn't the same Draco as the one in the train earlier. But my thoughts were interrupted by Dumbledore's voice.

"good evening children. First of hall, let me introduce you the newest member of our staff: professor Horace Slughorn, he will teach potions, while the post of Defence against the dark arts will be taken by professor Snape." 

Everyone started whispering, but Dumbledore continued to talk "Now as you know each and every one of you was searched upon your arrival here, and you have the right to know why: once there was a man, who like you sat in this very hall, walked this castle's corridors, stepped under this roof. He seemed to all the world a student like any other. His name? Tom Riddle" everyone started to whisper again as they heard that name. 

I sighed remembering that night at the Ministry of Magic, but Dumbledore continued talking "today, of course, he is known all over the world by another name which is why as I stand looking out upon you all tonight I'm reminded of a sobering fact: every day, every hour, this very minute perhaps, dark forces attempt to penetrate this castle's walls. But in the end, their greatest weapon is you. There's something to think about. Now off to bed pip-pip". So, this was the reason why there were aurors everywhere.

I stood up, like everyone else, directed to our dormitory. I took one last look at Draco: he was still in the same position.

He was already alone, while the rest of the Slytherin house left the hall.

It turned to be hard falling asleep that night: my head was full of thoughts, from Draco to Dumbledore's speech.

I knew that students couldn't walk out of curfew, but I needed to go to the only place where I knew I would have found the peace I was searching.

The astronomy tower wasn't illuminated, the only light source came from the moon, and my wand, as I used lumos enchantment to see something.

I sat on one of the steps, I closed my eyes and breathed. I missed that place. After some minutes I heard footsteps coming upstairs. I immediately turned off the wand light, and I tried to hide behind a column. My hands on my mouth as I feared to be heard.

"Is there anyone?"

I sighed, I recognized that voice, but I didn't know whether it was better or worse, and I took into consideration to stay hidden until he was gone. I didn't know why, but I came out and I was now in front of him.

"oh, it's you" Draco said sighing "I should probably go" he continued

"no Draco, please"

"What? We don't have to tell each other anything, we already talked" he wasn't looking at me, his gaze was towards the lake

"I have" I sighed, I didn't know what I had to say, I only knew I didn't want him to leave

"I know something is up, something that is bothering you, okay? Just, just tell me. You know you can tell me everything right? I'm here for you. Please"

"you're making it all up, there's nothing wrong. You just have to accept that it's over and move on. Goodnight" he didn't even look at me, he turned around and started walking downstairs, probably to the common room.

I sighed. I knew it wasn't done. Not for me. I looked at the moon, and I returned back to the common room too. 

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