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I didn't tell anything about what happened to anyone. 

In the next days I tried to stay on my own, and all I could do was think, it was pretty difficult, especially during Christmas day, which turned to be a beautiful day: everyone enjoyed the gifts I gave them, and I was also happy for presents they gave me, but mostly for the day we all had, in the morning we stayed together in the common room, then we went to eat in the Great Hall, and we spent all the afternoon outside. the boys and the twins played with the snow, while Hermione, Ginny, Luna and I stayed together to talk about everything.

I saw Draco few times, and he always looked at me for only a few seconds, then he always looked away, as if he was ashamed of what he said to me that night.

It passed a week from the ball, and I didn't have yet the opportunity to speak with him. He was always with someone, until that day. I was in Gryffindor common room, but I needed some books which were in my dorm.

I left my friends who were studying, and I went there. While I was taking the books I needed, I saw an owl coming towards the window of my bedroom. I didn't expect any letters and it wasn't the owl my parents and I used to send letters. As I was thinking, the owl left a letter in the room, and I saw it was for me

"meet me in the astronomy tower as soon as you receive this letter."

It wasn't signed but I knew it was Draco, I was sure about it, and it was my chance to talk to him.

I exited the room, and I went to the common room. With some excuses I came out of the portrait and I went towards the astronomy tower.

I almost ran to the astronomy tower, and when I reached there, I saw him, standing and looking at the landscape and its beauty.

"hi" I said clearing my voice.

He turned around to see me. He was wearing a black suit and his hair was moving because of the fresh wind. It was the beginning of January and it was still cold outside, but I didn't care at the moment.

"hey" he said without moving "you received my letter" he continued talking looking at me

"yes, I came as soon as I got it" he nodded.

It was quite embarrassing, because I didn't know what to say, and him neither. After the night of the ball we didn't talk, but we both remembered what he said to me

"you wanted to talk?" I asked, I couldn't bear the silence between us.

He nodded, I sat on one of the steps.

"I'm sorry for what I said that night" he said looking at his feet.

"Why?" even though I was confused about everything, I was happy he said those things, but hearing he wasn't made my stomach feel a knot.

"Because firstly I know you don't feel the same way, and because I didn't have no right to say that, we haven't talked to each other for months" I sighed

"Can you come and sit here please?" he looked at me confused and I nodded to confirm what I said.

He walked slowly and uncertainly. He sat next to me, but he still didn't look at me.

"Draco look at me" he looked at me, he seemed to be angry at himself, and sad.

"You don't have to feel sorry about your emotions. Loving is such a beautiful thing. You don't have to be ashamed of it, and the night of the ball I haven't been given time to answer to you. I have never said that I don't feel the same way." He was still looking at me, and I continued talking, I felt like it was the right time to say all I was thinking and feeling in that period.

"if you feel in that way, like you have said, why didn't you try to fix everything after what happened months ago?" he sighed

"I don't know, maybe because it is better for you to stay away from me. I'm not like your friends. I am complicated" I smiled

"I like complicated things" I said, and he looked at me confused, but hopeful

"I think we can restart from where we stopped and see what it is going to happen" I said slowly smiling. He nodded.

"I'm sorry for what happened. I didn't want you to feel in that way. I am an asshole" I laughed 

"yes, you are" and he laughed too. I missed his laughter, his hair, his eyes. I missed him in every shape.

"Can I ask you something? Just for curiosity"

"sure, what is it?" I hesitated a bit, but then I took the courage and asked him

"why did you take Pansy to the ball?" I was nervous and curious.

"it was a bet, between me, Tyger and Goyle. I had to make Pansy think I was interested in her and take her to the ball"

"Well, I see you Slytherins don't have anything to do during the day" we both laughed.

"are you angry at me?" he asked

I sighed "no" and it was true.

I was angry at him, but after hearing all of the story, I felt relieved. I missed him, and I didn't want to mess things up again. While I was thinking, I was looking at the landscape. He stood up and he held out his hand to me.

"Can I have this dance?" he asked. I looked up at him confused.

He shrugged "I didn't have my chance during the ball. I'm taking it now" I smiled, and I stood up.

"With pleasure" I took his hand and we started to dance slowly. We were looking at each other in the eyes, and then I rested my head on his chest, eyes closed.

Evening was coming, and the sky was turning pink because of the sunset. It was a beautiful moment.

We stayed there for another twenty minutes, but then it was starting to get colder, and we went back.

"I think I have to go now, I have to study. Thanks for, um, have fixed everything" I said smiling

He came closer, too closer for just two friends.

And then it happened, he kissed me. It was a soft kiss, but I could feel butterflies flying in my belly. We smiled while kissing, because we both knew it was the right time, in the right place. He broke the kiss, looked at me and smiled. His eyes were shining again, I hadn't seen them like that I a long time. He was happy, and so was I.

"see you around Han" I nodded and smiled.

I walked towards the Gryffindor common room, and I couldn't stop smiling.

Always YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz