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"Harry, Hannah! I've missed you so much" Hermione ran to us, she probably heard us arriving. Behind her, there were Ron and Ginny, who hugged us too.

"Welcome home everybody" Ron said

"Hannah, I want you to meet my mum, she is going to adore you!" Ginny said to me while taking my hands and letting me in the house.

The house was big, and full of colours. It was very welcoming.

"Mum, this is Hannah. Hannah this my mom Molly"

"Hi, Mrs. Weasley, it is really nice to meet you. Thank you so much for letting me stay here" I said. She hugged me and said: "nice to meet you too dear, Ginny and Ron told me about you so much, and I really wanted to meet you in person. Do you need something to eat? To drink?"

I shook my head thanking her. I also said hi to George and Fred, who were eating something in the kitchen.

Hermione and Ginny showed me the way to our bedroom, and we stayed there together talking about summer holidays.

I told them about Draco, because I knew that, even though they didn't like him, they would have given me good advices.

"You should write that you are here in England. Maybe he will answer, if he didn't find an owl" Hermione said to me smiling, she always had the best ideas.

"Even if it is not so difficult to find an owl" Said Ginny, Hermione pushed her on her arm

"What? It's true" she continued

I laughed "No, Ginny's right. There has to be another explanation." I said "But, I will write to him, and we'll see" I didn't want to pass the last month of holidays sad. I just wanted to enjoy it with my friends.

When we came back to the kitchen, I found Ron and Harry eating

"hey Ron, can I borrow your owl?" I asked

Harry looked at me knowing what I was going to do, but I didn't care. If there was a possibility to have an answer from Draco, I would have tried it.

"Sure, it is there" I thanked him, and I wrote a letter quickly.


I know this is probably yet another letter that I send to you, but I just wanted you to know that I will stay at Ron's house for this month, in England, before the beginning of the school.

I hope everything is fine, and I really wish you could answer me.

I miss you so much, and I'm worried that something had happened to you, please let me know, Draco.

I love you,

Your Han"

I folded the letter and I watched Ron's owl flew away. I sighed, hopeful. I said to myself I wouldn't think about that until Draco's answer.

Which never came.

Hermione, Harry, Ginny, Ron and I spent a wonderful month together. We stayed together every minute of every day, and I enjoyed these days so much, but I always felt an emptiness in my chest. I tried not to care about it, but it was difficult.

Without even noticing it, it was the end of August, and in a few days, we would have been on the train to Hogwarts.

Fred and George asked us to go to their joke shop in Diagon Alley.

They opened it since they finished their studies at Hogwarts and it was their dreams since they were kids, as Ron explained me.

I had never seen Diagon Alley, but it turned to be really pretty.

The shop was fantastic: it had any type of joke. It was brilliant.

Hermione, Ginny and I were watching the love potions in a corner of the shop.

"hello ladies, love potions eh?" Fred asked us, and I smiled to them "Yeah they really do work" he continued

"then again, the way we hear it sis, you're doing just fine on your own!" George said, and I laughed knowing the meaning of the phrase

"Meaning?" Ginny asked them

"are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?" and she was, she asked me if it was okay for me, and it was. Dean and I were just friends. I really care about him.

"it's none of your business" she said, and she walked away.

Hermione and I looked at each other, and we laughed.

"He is pretty, you know" I said to her

"who?" Hermione asked

"Cormac, he is staring at you since we entered the shop" I said laughing

"Oh, stop it" she said, as I laughed harder.

Hermione, Ron, Harry and I exited the shop. We were walking down the street.

"Oh no, everybody got their wands at Ollivander's" Hermione said. I turned and I saw a rundown building, whose windows were broken. We entered the shop and we looked around: everything was a completely mess, and I couldn't imagine it as it was before since I've never been there.

"Hannah, I think you want to look at this" Harry said to me, I walked at the window where he was, and I saw Draco standing on the street.

As I saw his face, my heart missed a bit. He looked different: his face was paler, and he seemed slimmer. He was wearing his usual black suit. He still looked beautiful. Only in that moment I realized how much I missed him. He wasn't alone, he was with a beautiful woman, probably his mother.

I didn't say anything.

"they're like two people who don't want to be followed" Ron said.

They all looked at me, I knew what they were thinking.

"Alright, fine, let's do this" I said sighing.

We followed them in a narrow, small, dark street, and we watched them as they entered a shop called "Burgin and burkes".

We obviously couldn't enter too, so we had to climb a building and we arrived at the roof.

Draco was looking at a strange wardrobe, like a cabinet. He seemed to be very interested in that, and I couldn't understand why.

It didn't have nothing special. We stayed there for minutes, and I couldn't stop looking at him. I really wanted to go in there, hugging him, kissing him, and hearing his explanation about the letters, but I knew I couldn't do that, so I had to look at him, without doing nothing. After some time, they exited the shop, and they went away.

We did the same, and we returned to Fred and George's shop, and then, with Ginny, we returned home. 

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