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I didn't remember much about what happened right after I fell on the ground.

After some time, it could have been hours or only few minutes, I began to hear distant voices echoing in my head.

Everything was still dark, probably my eyes were closed. Everything hurt, from my legs to my head, especially my head.

I tried to concentrate to the sounds around me, there were a lot of voices, and a lot of screams too.

'Open your eyes Hannah' I thought 'you can do this, come on'.

I focused as much as I could. I tried many times and finally I could see some light.

The first thing I could see was the sky. I couldn't recognize where I was at first. There were some destroyed walls, but when I turned my head to the left, I saw the table where the professors used to eat during the year. I was in the Great Hall.

"she's awake!" someone shouted. My head hurt more after that scream.

"Oh my god, you're alive" it was Draco, he was next to me, my hand in his.

I didn't say anything, but I tried to stand up on my elbows to understand what was happening around us.

"you should stay here, you have to rest" Draco continued, his face was pure worry.

I avoided what he had said "What happened?"

He sighed, "Alecto tried to kill you, but it wasn't a killing spell, you fell and then Theo killed her"

I froze still looking at him "She's dead?"

He nodded "the important thing is that you're alive" he told me hugging me.

"Thanks" I said looking up. In front of me Blaise and Theo were looking at me. Theo nodded his head, smiling.

"we'll be back in a minute" Draco said kissing on my forehead, while I nodded.

I looked around, there were a lot of wounded, most of them were students.

there were also the dead, but I didn't want to think about that. It shouldn't have been there. None of us should have been there, in that situation. We were just teenagers.

"Hi, um, take this. Everyone have to eat something to feel good" I looked up, a guy with brown hair and brown eyes was in front of me, offering me some chocolate.

"um, thanks?" I said taking the chocolate. I knew I could trust him, he was with us, but I had never seen him at school.

"I'm Oliver, Wood" he presented himself. His name was familiar, but my head couldn't think straight in that moment.

"I'm Hannah Nolan" he nodded

"Nice to meet you Hannah" he smiled. He seemed nice; he was wearing an old Gryffindor jumper. Strange, I've never seen him in the common room.

I tried to focus on something else "Um, I think I have never seen you here, is that possible?"

He chuckled "yeah, could be. I finished school 4 years ago, but I came here to help. I was the quidditch captain of the Gryffindor team"

Now everything was clear, I read his name on some trophy in the corridor. I nodded embarrassed because I didn't know what to say.

"Ehy, Wood, not flirting with my girl, are you?" Draco said, coming back to us. A smirk on his face. Even with dust on his face, he was perfect to me.

Oliver looked at me surprised, obviously he didn't expect that I could be Draco's girlfriend.

"I was only being nice to someone who had been wounded, Malfoy" he said "but I'm leaving" he continued "Nice meeting you" he turned to look at me.

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