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Weeks passed quickly and summer was replaced by the cold air of autumn.

Hermione, Ginny and I passed most of the time in the library studying or doing our homework. I could stay with Ron and Harry only after dinner, since they both had a lot of quidditch practises.

I could see Draco only during some classes, but he always remained aside alone.

According to Blaise he wasn't even speaking to his friend, and he stayed alone even in the Slytherin common room. This made me even more worried.

He broke my heart that day on the train, but I knew he wasn't him; something must have happened during the summer.

Like every other day I was studying in the library when I saw a figure in front of me

"Miss Nolan, Professor Dumbledore would like to see you in his office now" it was Madame Pince

I nodded, and I stood up, telling Hermione if she could take a look at my stuff while I wasn't there.

I had already been in Dumbledore's office last year, but I didn't know why he wanted to see me this time

"Miss Nolan come in"

"good afternoon professor" I said closing the door

"how are you?" he asked

"Um, I'm fine sir" I said smiling

"Enjoying your classes?" it was strange

"yes, definitely" I nodded

"what about your activities outside the classroom?"

"Sir?" I couldn't understand where he wanted to go with that conversation

"well I noticed that last year you spent a lot of time with Mr. Malfoy"

How did he know that?

"uhm, yes, but I don't think it will be the same this year sir" I said smiling embarrassed

"oh, well, I'm sure you're asking yourself why I called you" I nodded "well, since I knew you are one of a few, if not the only one, to have a positive relationship with Mr. Malfoy, I wanted to ask you if you could keep an eye on him. I'm very worried about him, and I think you will able to find out what he is bothering him."

Ok, it was embarrassing, but I couldn't reject, since I was doing it already on my own.

"Sure" I said. I was walking to the door

"Ah, miss Nolan" I turned around "I'd prefer this conversation to stay between us"

I nodded, and I exited the room.

That was strange, why did Dumbledore ask me something like this? Was I right about what I thought, that something had happened to Draco? I was really confused, but I tried not to think about it for the rest of the day.

The next day Hermione, Luna and I went to see the quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin. It was the first match of the year.

We cheered for Gryffindor, but most of the time I tried to find Draco in the Slytherin stands, but he wasn't there. It was strange, he wouldn't miss a match.

Gryffindor won, Ginny was spectacular as a beater since it was her first match, but during that night in the Gryffindor common room everyone was cheering for Ron, who did a great job as a keeper.

"He was really great" I said to Harry who nodded smiling. He was obviously proud of his best friend.

As I turned to see Ron, I saw him kissing Lavender Brown in front of everyone.

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