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I walked as fast as possible to the Gryffindor common room, Hermione was following me without saying a word.

While we entered the room, I saw there were few people, fortunately. I went straight to our dormitory, and then I sit on my bed. Hermione, cautiously, sat next to me and put her hand on my thigh.

I was sobbing, I was so angry and sad at the same time, I couldn't do anything but cry.

"you were right Hermione..." I stopped, crying even more just at the thought "he had never cared about me. I had never been his friend. how fool I am. I really thought he would have invited me at the ball."

She hugged me and only in that moment I was starting to calm down. I continued crying for another 10 minutes. She tried to comfort me in any case, but everything was useless. Tears stopped running on my cheeks after some time. In the meantime, Ginny, who finished her lessons for that day, came back to the dormitory, she saw us, and she asked why I was crying so much. Hermione explained her everything and she was shocked.

"I'm going to kill him, that asshole" I laughed, even though she was trying to be scary, she was still funny.

"No, Ginny, that's what those two want. We have to act indifferently. Like we don't care at all, is that clear?" Hermione was right, they hadn't to see how I was feeling.

For this reason, the three of us decided to go to dinner, like anything happened.

"do you feel it? You think you can see them, right Hannah?" I nodded. I was still sad about what happened, but I was stronger than this, I could handle that.

We entered the Great Hall and most of the students were already eating. We sat next to Harry and Ron and we started eating something, even though I wasn't so hungry.

I tried to distract myself and listened to my friends and what they were saying. Only once I looked at the Slytherin table, and I saw Pansy talking to Draco, but he doesn't seem to pay attention to her.

I looked away, I didn't want to care anymore about him, and his friendship. I was done.

Hermione and Ginny left the Great hall before me, Ron and Harry. I asked the two of them if they knew the reason they went away, but they shrugged, and continued to talk about some quidditch stuff.

I was getting bored and I left them. I was going to the common room, but on my way, I found Draco and Pansy hand in hand talking and laughing. I stopped, they saw me and stopped too, but I looked away and I continued to walk. I didn't want to see anything more that day. I just wanted to go to my dorm and sleep.

For all the time, I wondered where Hermione and Ginny were, I didn't see them since dinner time, thirty minutes before.

I walked through the door of my dormitory and I saw in the centre of the room three cup of hot chocolate, some marshmallows, and a blanket with some pillows on the floor. They were waiting for me, and they saw the surprise on my face. I didn't expect that, really. I smiled and I went to hug them

"we just wanted to organize something for you, so you know you are not alone in this, you have us" Hermione said

"and we are better than Draco a thousand times over" Ginny concluded, and we all laughed.

"you are the best friends I could have ever asked. Thank you so much, for everything". We broke free from the embrace.

"let's drink the chocolate, it seems to be really good" said Ginny.

"You are just like your brother" said Hermione, making all of three laughing.

For the rest of the night I laughed and talked about everything with them, then Harry and Ron joined us too. We all laughed when Ron found out we drank hot chocolate without him.

I didn't think about Draco, and about what happened earlier. I just enjoyed every single moment with my best friends, during a winter evening, while it was snowing on the outside. We went to sleep

"goodnight Harry, night Ron" and I layed on my bed. I tried to sleep, but I couldn't.

It didn't pass much time since when we went to bed. I got up, and, trying to do everything without any noise, I went downstairs to the common room. There was nobody, I just sat on the couch and I looked at the fire. It was soothing.

"hey, still awake I see" I turned around and saw Ron coming to me. He sat next to me on the couch and looked at me while I nodded smiling.

"what happened?" I looked at him confused

"what do you mean?"

"I know that something happened to you, just tell me, I can be very helpful, sometimes" we laughed without making a sound.

"Draco asked Pansy to the ball, and I was so stupid that he would have asked me" I looked down, I knew Ron didn't like Draco at all, but I wanted to be honest with him.

"Oh, I see" I expected he would have said something like "you had to expect that", but he said

"I'm sorry, it must suck" I looked at him, I started crying. I put my head on his shoulder, and he started to cuddle me. We stayed in that way for some time without saying anything. His perfume reminded me my home. I missed my parents every day even if I had great friends by my side. Ron was a great friend.

I fell asleep, and he woke me up after some time and we both went to bed, only in that moment I realized I didn't ask him why he was still awake. 

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