"Girl hush I can stare at you damn it," he smiled.

"You staring at me is what caused all of this," I replied pointing to my belly.

"I'm pretty sure that happened when you kept playing games with your birth control," he smirked.

I landed a punch onto his shoulder and pushed him while busting out into laughter. This felt good, but I still couldn't accept that it was all happening.

"Are you nervous about this weekend?," I asked him.

He shrugged and nodded his head no but I read his face and could tell he wanted to say a different answer.

Ashley's wedding was being held in the middle of the city we'd left from. Mainly because it was still middle ground and convenient for all of her friends, family and clients that would be attending. She'd offered to change her venue to somewhere further away from that area due to the craziness that happened with Omar being shot but I'd told her it was okay, Omar insisted we didn't let that affect her big day.

"It's okay to not be okay you know, it hasn't been that long," I announced.

He stood up and walked silently towards the kitchen ignoring my statement. I raised a brow and stared at him waiting for us to make eye contact.

"I never said I was okay. I just can't sit here and cry about this shit the way you expect me to, we have more important things to worry about Faith," he replied. He popped open a soda and began chugging it.

"I don't expect you to cry but I want you to talk about it. If not to me to someone baby," I responded walking towards him.

"I will when I have the time."

"You can make the time. We have awhile before the baby is here and you're still on leave from work for a couple more weeks, that could be extended if you want to as well. It's your company," I stated.

"I know all of this. Look I know you're worried about me but please just trust me," he said grabbing my face with his hands. He planted a kiss on my forehead and walked out onto the patio.

I decided I wouldn't follow him and instead I'd reach out to my friends and invite them over. I had just gotten the place completely furnished today so before now I didn't feel comfortable inviting them over. They had been there through my worst moments but a house like this just needed to be up to date before having guests.

I pulled out my phone and placed it upside on the counter while FaceTiming Ashley's number.

"Heyyyyyyy prego!," she yelled from the other end of the phone.

I laughed, "Hey bride to be. How are you?"

"Girl I'm alright just ready for this day to come because my nerves are working me, what about you?"

"I'm okay I guess. Trying to be. You ready to come see this place?," I asked.

"Duh I've been ready! Want me to try to scoop Jada and Nat and you shoot me the address?"

"Yes please go grab them force them if you have to I need to see you guys."

"I'm on it. Be there in about an hour and a half love ya!," she screamed.

I smiled and began preparing a meal. I would make my homemade lasagna, corn and garlic toast. I had been wanting it for months and could finally stomach it so I would be taking full advantage.

When I put the lasagna in the oven to bake I grabbed my phone and went through my text messages and landed on Scarlett's last text message to me which was telling me she would be there if I ever needed her.

I'd promised Omar I wouldn't contact her to act on anything regarding his shooting but the anger that had built up in me that night I found him in his own blood had only gotten worse. I wanted this person to be held responsible, whether that was jail or 6 feet under. I needed to have some kind of justice. Omar was trying to bury it and pretend it didn't happen but he wasn't in my shoes, I almost lost him.

"Something smells good."

I jumped startled and turned to look at Omar. He was licking his lips and rubbing his hands walking towards me.

"You okay?," he asked.

"Yeah just startled me that's all."

I quickly exited out of the message thread and locked my phone turning to face him.

"I'm sorry I startled you. Look I know this is all tough on you too and I know it's probably scary as hell but baby we'll be fine," he assured me. He grabbed my waist and looked me in my eyes deeply making me tremble.

"I hope so."

A/N : I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! I wanted to fast forward a little bit just because we're already on chapter 51. Thanks so much for still reading. Stay tuned! 💕

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