"Kol, about your father, If he does try anything we will cross that bridge when it comes." I said, as he motioned me to sit at the table.

"You are very kind, but I would not ask that of you, especially after everything that has just happened to you." He said, modestly. I chuckled.

"Nonsense. If it is forced upon us, we will consent. I will not allow you to be tortured any longer. Not to mention, I do enjoy your company, and it will keep your brothers from persuing me. That is unless you do not enjoy my company?" I said, pouting. He looked at me with surprise.

"Of course I enjoy your company, darling. You are different from the women around here. You are kind, compassionate. Most of the women around here only care about themselves. I admire that greatly." He said, beginning to cut up some food and put it in a pot over the fire. I walked up to him.

"May I help?" I asked, and he looked at me with his eyebrows raised.

"You are a guest in my home, I do not let my guests doing chores." He said, going back to cutting the carrots. I decided I was going to anyway and I took a potatoe out of the basket, got a knife and started chopping.

"You are bold. I like that. I feel that we are going to get along very well." He said smiling. His british accent was getting to me, I felt as if I could swoon everytime he talked. Wait, what was I talking about, this was Kol. But this was a different Kol, one that I enjoyed very much. If only he was this way in the future.

We cooked the stew over the fire and sat down, eating it at the table. For not having much, it was pretty good. It was already dark outside and I wondered how the sleeping arrangements were going to work. He only had one bed, and it wasn't as if there was a couch.

After dinner was finished, I helped him clean up, to which he was also surprised and I made my way back to the table. He walked over to me, holding his hand out to help me stand back up, then he led me to the bedroom.

"You may have the bed, I will take the floor." He told me, folding back the wollen blanket and pelts for me.

"Kol, I know you are trying to be a gentleman, but I will not allow you to sleep on the floor. The bed is plenty big enough for two and it is winter, it will get very cold at night. I insist." I told him truthfully. I did not want him to sleep on the dirt floor, and it was very cold, even though there was a fire going.

"You are different. Why aren't more women like you?" He said as he climbed into the bed next to me, it was a straw bed, but it wasn't like sleeping on a rock. Guaranteed it wouldn't be the best nights sleep I would ever have, but I did feel safe.

"Why aren't more men like you?" I responded. I saw his smile in the moonlight. "Goodnight, Kol." I said closing my eyes.

"Goodnight, Elena." He leaned over and gently kissed my forehead. I opened my eyes and brought my hands around his head, pulling it down to me. I then kissed him lightly on the lips once, then again with a little more passion. Something felt different inside of me. I couldn't explain it, but it was nothing like I had felt when I kissed Damon or Stefan. It felt right. We broke the kiss and I buried my body into his side, my head laying on his chest. I couldn't believe I just kissed Kol Mikaelson.


She kissed me. Elena Gilbert kissed me, then made me sleep in the bed beside her instead of kicking me on the floor. I had told her my secret and she embraced it. Holy hell, she had basically agreed to marry me. I could feel the extreme pull towards the switch in the back of my head, telling me to turn it on, that I wanted to feel the emotions coming from these memories. I couldn't help but be curious as to what I had felt. I hadn't felt anything in a thousand years, I guess it was worth a few minutes. I reached in the back of my mind and flipped the switch on.

In an instant, everything came rushing back to me. It was an overload. I could feel everything. But more importantly I could feel the strong emotions coming from those memories. The awe, the excitement, the wonder, the importance, the fact of it all feeling right.

I was back at Nik's mansion for the night, and I decided to go pay my little sister a visit, surprise her maybe. I walked to her bedroom, and heard the TV on. I knocked on the door and within an instant, she had it opened.

"Kol, what are you doing here? Does this have anything to do with the sudden memories that are appearing in my head of a certain doppleganger from when we were humans?" She asked me curiously.

"Rebekah it was a thousand years ago, and I feel everything as if it were yesterday. I feel everything, Rebekah." I said, hoping she would take the hint. Her eyes widened and she wrapped her arms around me.

"Kol! You did it! After a thousand years, and it only took 18 year old girl transported to the past for you to turn it back on. Something must have happened. Do tell?" She exclaimed as she pulled away from the embrace.

"She kissed me, Bekah. She treated me differently than any other girl in the village. I told her about Mikael and how he was about me finding a bride, and she told me that if he forced us to marry she would do it, willingly Bekah. She made me sleep on the bed beside her instead of the floor! She cleaned and helped cook, as a guest. Wouldn't take no for an answer." I told her, clearly letting my newfound excitement show.

"Wow, didn't know the girl had it in her. Especially to be your first kiss, although I'm sure she didn't know that, did she?" Rebekah joked. It was true, it had been my first real kiss. And it had been perfect.

"Rebekah." I growled at her. She put her hands up in the air in defeat.

"I'm sorry, Kol. Its just that i'm still shocked that you actually turned your humanity back on." She said, honestly. It was surprising for me as well. I had initially just planned to have it on for a few minutes, but now that I could feel these types of emotions strongly, I had no plan in turning it back off. Maybe the Bennett witch hadn't made a mistake after all. I was a strong believer in destiny and fate.

"I'm as shocked as you are, Bekah." I said before I bid her goodnight and went back to my own room to dream of the girl changing my life.

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