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Disclaimer- I own nothing.

I walked back inside, a small weight lifted from my shoulders, yet another placed in the same spot. Elena came down the stairs in a flash, but stopped quickly, looked at me with a greenish expression, and ran back upstairs to the bathroom. I knew she was sick again. I flashed up to the bathroom and stood over her, holding her hair. When she was through, she looked up at me and I was surprised at first. Her face had changed and her fangs were sliding out. She needed blood. The baby must be having a diffucult time keeping the transition off if she needed blood more often now, and the baby was growing more rapidly every time she took the blood. I held out my wrist to her and let her drink, I no longer even noticed the prickly sensation when she bit into my wrist. I needed to get some human blood. Her drinking my blood longer and more rapidly was depleating me much quicker, and I needed to be as strong as possible for her, and the baby.

Caroline watched from the doorway, having come to check on Elena, but witnessed our blood sharing instead. Unable to take her eyes off the sight, she stood unmoving. I knew she had taken my brother's blood at least twice before, her face began to change, but she flashed away before it even finished.

"Where did Caroline go?" Elena asked as she let go of my wrist and looked at the doorway of the bathroom.

"I believe she went to go confer with my brother. It seems, my love, that you are not the only one with an appettite for Original blood." I joked. She looked at me in a 'don't you even think it' kind of way and I helped her up. She had a harder time getting up than normal, maybe because she was about twice as big as she was a few minutes ago. I wouldn't dare say that to her though, I may be an Original and nearly indestructable, but hell hath no fury like a pregnant vampire.

She turned around to look at herself in the mirror and gasped. Pulling up her shirt, she looked at her stomach, seemingly unable to believe it was there. Her center of balance had shifted, making it harder for her to regain her own balance.

"I'm huge." Elena said, looking at herself in the mirror, turning side to side. I stifled the urge to make a joke.

"No, darling. You are pregnant, and that is our daughter. You look radiant and beautiful. And I can hear Rebekah walking up the driveway. Stay here." I told her as I flashed down to answer the front door before Rebekah even had the chance to ring the doorbell.

"Ah sister, good to see you." I said, inviting her inside.

"Do you have any clue why Caroline almost ran me over trying to get to Nik's room at the mansion? She seemed distraught." Rebekah asked immediately. So she did go to Nik, I knew it. It was only a matter of time before those two went crazy on eachother.

"She was just here, but she had a sudden thought and left quickly." I said, leaving out the major details.

"Oh, okay, where is Elena, I was going to take her shopping today?" Rebekah asked, looking around.

"Okay, Rebekah, I need you to keep an open mind. There is something going on with Elena, it was quite a surprise, believe me. You won't believe it until you see it though." I told her.

"Well, out with it? What is wrong with my sister-in-law?" Rebekah said, crossing her arms.

"Elena, darling." I said, waiting for her to come down the stairs. To be honest, I was afraid of what Rebekah's reaction could be. Elena flashed down the stairs and stoof next to me.

"Hi, Bekah." She murmered, clutching my hand. Rebekah's mouth about dropped from her head as she looked at Elena's stomach.

"Wha-" She pointed at Elena's stomach. "How is that possible?" She said, lifting Elena's shirt up to see if it was real.

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