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"I guess nothing is impossible in this world, is it?" Nik said, clearly not knowing what else to say. I agreed with him 100%.

We settled in, eating the food that Nik brought; Elena eating all of hers and most of mine.

"I did my research and found a few leads on someone who may want Katherine dead, brother. There is a witch in New Orleans, a very powerful one. My sources say that she may have the ability to control vampires, but only lesser vampires without their humanity." Nik informed us over dinner.

"Can't have homicidal vampires running around trying to kill my wife, Nik." I told him shaking my head.

"I agree, which is why I will be making a quick trip down to New Orleans tomorrow. Elijah is already looking into it. Don't worry, brother, you have enough to focus on at the moment." Nik reassured me.

"Thank you, Nik." I told him.

After a few hours of conversation, Elena was passed out in my arms on the couch and Nik decided to go. Rebekah agreed to stay the night in case something else happened. Which happened to be a very good thing.

Elena woke up in a cold sweat at about 4am, shaking me awake quickly. I looked over to her to see that she was clutching her stomach, sitting in a pool of liquid. I was wide awake as soon as I realized what was happening.

"Rebekah!" I yelled for my sister down the hallway who came flashing in at vampire speed. "Call the doctor, NOW!" I told her. She nodded and ran out of the room to do it.

'I need your blood, Kol." Elena said as her face changed. I rushed to her side and let her bite into my wrist. She drank quite a bit and let go. Within seconds, her screams were echoing through the house.

"She's on her way, Kol." Rebekah said as she walked back in the room.'

"She's going to be too late! Elena took my blood and things are starting to go much faster. Bekah, I need you to check her." I told her. She looked at me confused for a minute, then realized what I meant. She flashed to the bathroom and grabbed some latex gloves, closing her eyes as she lifted Elena's night shirt up and checked her.

"I believe you're right, Kol. The doctor's going to be too late. I can already feel her head. Elena needs to push, Now." I looked at Rebekah with my eyes wide and nodded at Elena, holding her hand. I moved to where Bekah was, ready to grab the baby.

Elena began pushing as she squeezed Rebekah's hand for support. Within minutes, our baby girl was in my arms as Bekah clamped the chord.

Elena's eyes began closing and I quickly told Rebekah to feed her some blood to heal her. Elena drank then passed out. I knew it was the transition and that she would probably be asleep for a while.

I looked down at the beautiful baby girl in my arms and smiled. She was still covered in blood, but she was perfect. Rebekah brought me over a towel for the crying baby in my arms, quickly drying her off and wrapping her up in it.

"What did you guys decide to name her?" Rebekah asked, looking down at the new baby in my arms as a tear slipped from my eye.

"Aria. Aria Isabella Mikaelson."

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