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"Kol?" Elena asked into my chest.

"Yes, darling?" I responded calmly. I wanted the vision to be true, more than anything. I hadn't been a human in over a thousand years, since then, I had never even given children a second thought.

"I know I shouldn't get my hopes up, but Kol, I can't help it. I've always wanted to be a mother and after I died, I thought it was impossible. I never really realized that we were both human in the past and that something could happen." She said, her eyes glistening with tears. "What are we going to do?"

"The only thing we can do- we wait. Caroline mentioned something when she was leaving that struck me. The heartbeat is getting louder by the second. I think you having my blood affected it, making it have sort of a growth spurt, maybe? Only a doctor would be able to tell." I said, confused at the sudden realization.

"Maybe that will help the baby survive, maybe because I am a vampire, the baby needs blood too?" She suggested. It was a possiblility. One that we would have to look into.

"It's possible. Maybe you getting sick is a sign that you both need blood. But why would you only want mine?" I asked, more to myself then anything.

"You are the father, the baby might need the fathers blood too, since it already has my blood?" Elena suggested again.

"All we can do at this point is guess." I said. I knew we needed to get Bonnie over here and that doctor. "I'm going to call Bonnie to come over, maybe she can see something more, my visions are very hazy still. And what was that doctors name, the one who uses the vampire blood to heal?" I asked. Her eyes went up to mine.

"Meridith Fell, the doctor who turned me into a vampire." She said, looking off. "I guess I can't hold a grudge, she was only trying to save me. I would have died if she hadn't." She continued.

"Wait, it was the doctor who gave you the vampire blood?" I asked her, thankful that the doctor had given her the blood, considering we wouldn't be here now if she hadn't.

"Yes, no one knew until I woke up in the morgue." She said, remembering the night.

"I'm sorry, my love. But she is the only doctor I can think of that can help." I said, truthfully.

"I know, go ahead and get them over here, I'm going to lay down, I have a headache." She said, laying on the couch. I bent down next to her.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's just a lot to take in at the moment." She said, closing her eyes.

"Alright, if you need anything let me know." I said, kissing her forehead and walking into the kitchen.

I made the calls, but didn't tell them exactly what it was for, only that it was important. Bonnie said she was on her way, only living a few blocks away. And the doctor said she would be here as soon as possible. Within minutes I heard the doorbell ring. I flashed to open the door, seeing Elena asleep on the couch.

"Bonnie, thank you for coming." I said, motioning for her to come inside.

"What is it, you said it was important?" She said, I knew she still wasn't that fond of me because of me being a vampire. She didn't know what I was before I turned.

"Elena, darling, wake up. Bonnie is here." I said, gently brushing her hair out of her face. She opened her eyes and sat up.

"Hi Bonnie, I'm sorry, I guess I fell asleep." Elena said, rubbing her eyes.

"Kol, have any other witches seen Elena?" She asked suddenly as soon as she saw her.

"No, why?" I asked quickly, worried.

"She is being protected by a magical aura." Bonnie said. I couldn't see it. She was being protected by magic? Was it possible for the baby to be witch? Well, obviously it was possible considering lineage, but I never thought about it. Bonnie reached over and grabbed Elena's hand, immediatly removing it.

"What did you see?" I asked as soon as it happened.

"Impossible. No, that's impossible." She kept saying.

"Was it a child?" I asked, she looked at me, shocked.

"How did you know?" She looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"I saw it as well, and now I can hear it." Her eyes widened.

"How did you see it, only witches can- wait, did you say you can hear it?" Bonnie looked from me to Elena, back to me.

"The heartbeat, yes. As for the other, well let's just say, I have a hidden past as well." I said, looking to Elena, who was smiling.

"You were a witch?" I looked at her and nodded. "Well that makes a little more sense as to how you helped get Elena back, and why Elena has a magical aura. The child is magical. It is protecting Elena from changing back into a vampire permanently, until it's born."

"You saw that in the vision?" I asked curiously. Our child is magical, and protecting Elena, at only a month gestation. How was that possible?

"I can feel the magic. It must be magnified from the amount of magic it took to time travel. The rest I saw in the vision. How is any of this possible? Elena is a vampire, well almost." Bonnie said, highly confused.

"She was human just as I was in the past. The conception is the easiest part to figure out, it is the rest that confuses me. Elena was sick this morning and I gave her my blood to help. It seems to have affected the child as well. The hearbeat has gotten louder and more clarified by the minute. My blood has seemed to make the child have a growth spurt, or so we think. We will not know for sure until the doctor gets here. Which should be any minute."

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