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It had been almost a month since I had arrived in the past. Kol and I had gotten much closer. He would show me things that he could do with his magic, which would always surprise me. We helped eachother doing the simple chores, like cooking, cleaning and such. Rebekah had come by everyday and had even made me a new dress. Her and I were becoming good friends. Usually after we got done with the chores, we would go out to the meadow and play chase or watch the clouds. Sometimes we would go to the falls and just sit, and relax. Henrik came around often and Kol would teach him how to fish and hunt, he even attempted to show me. I was getting comfortable in this life and I wasn't so sure I wanted to go back to reality. Would Kol still be emotionless when I returned back? I didn't want to leave this Kol behind.

"Elena, come with me, I have something to show you today." Kol said, coming into the bedroom where I was still laying. It was getting much colder now, as it was getting further into winter. Kol had made me my own leather hide jacket to wear outside, and I was getting used to not having the ammenities I was so used to.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously as I took his arm in mine while we walked through the woods.

"You will see, darling. Be patient." He said, laughing. I giggled. We walked a little ways further, only about 10 minutes through the woods and came to a large opening in the ground. I knew where we were. The caves that Elijah had shown me. He went down in first, then held his arms out to help me down. It was just as I remembered.

"This is where we go on full moons. The caverns provide safety against the wolves. There is somewhere down here I want to show you though." He said, leading me through the cavern with a torch that he lit with magic. We didn't walk very far, but I knew where we were before we got there.

"This is a sacred room." He said as he lit all the candles on the walls with one movement of his hand. The room lit up and I could see just a few runes written on the wall, their names. "We put our names in the wall so that they would stay for eternity. I wanted to put yours as well." He said, motioning to the wall. I smiled widely. That meant it would be there in the future as well.

"I would love that." I said, watching him take his knife out and starting to carve into the wall. My name was carved into the wall right under his, in runic. When he was done, he looked at me and smiled. While he was doing the carving, I had hidden something in the cave, hoping the future Kol would find it.

"I made you something." He said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a pendant, attached onto a leather bound necklace. The pendant was a wooden carving, a celtic trinity knot. I remembered reading about them, it was meant to represent the three promises of a relationship, to love, honor, and protect. A man usually gives a woman a necklace or ring with the symbol to symbolize his affection.

"It is beautiful, Kol. I love it." I said, tearing up a little. It meant so much for such a simple gift.

"With a reaction like that, I assume you know what it means?" He asked, wiping the tear from my face.

"Yes, and I couldn't be happier. Thank you." I said, standing on my tip toes to kiss him on the lips. He kissed back with passion. After a few minutes, we heard someone from the entrance of the cave.

"Kol! Elena!" I could hear Henrik's voice echoing through the cave. Kol grabbed my hand and we ran to where it was coming from.

"Henrik, what's wrong, brother?" Kol asked him quickly. The worried look on the younger boy's face started to scare me.

"Kol, it's father, he knows about Elena!" Henrik yelled. Kol helped me out of the cave and I looked at him with worry.

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