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"Kol, wake up! If you do not wake up I will bite you." I awoke hearing Elena's voice coming from directly above my head.

"Mmm.. kinky." I murmered as I rolled back over with my pillow over my head, half asleep. I hadn't realized how late I had stayed up last night. Suddenly I was being yanked off the bed and pushed up against the wall with my arms pinned. I looked down at Elena who's face was starting to change. "Okay, okay, I'm awake. I see you have your strength back. And some extra hormones." I said, still being held against the wall. I tilted my head to the side as I noticed her face not changing back, she was thirsty, or the baby was. "Go ahead, darling, have at it."

She bit down into my neck and I felt a pin prick of pain masked by a surge of pure pleasure. I had never had anyone drink from my neck before and I had to say, it was... erotic to say the least. I had the urge to bite her back, but I controlled myself, knowing I couldn't stand hurting her, or the baby. After a few seconds, she pulled away and her normal face returned. She backed away, looking at what she had done in disbelief.

"Kol, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean too, I promise. I just got really thirsty and then-"

"Elena, my love, it is fine. Your hormones are messed up from being pregnant and your heightened emotions from being a vampire have returned, that's a pretty powerful combination, especially when you are angry. It's not your fault. The baby needs my blood, and you do too, in order to keep you both safe." I said as I flashed over to her and held her shoulders as I looked into her eyes. When I was finished, I looked down and saw what was holding me away from giving her a proper hug. Her stomach had grown... a lot. She had taken a lot of blood, which made me wonder if it had grown more than yesterday. My own stomach was pressed against it and as I was holding Elena's shoulders, I felt it.

"Kol, did I just imagine that, or was it real?" Elena asked, looking down at her now protruding stomach, in which her shirt no longer fit over.

"I felt it, Elena, I could feel the baby kick!" I yelled as I dropped to my knees and placed my hands on her stomach. I felt it several more times, and could even see it a few times. I was amazed. I was listening to the baby's heartbeat when I heard her stomach growl loudly. I walked over to our closet and pulled out one of my shirts, and handed it to her with a pair of her yoga pants. "We need to get you some real food, you will need the energy with how much the baby grew. The doctor and Caroline will be here around 9am, and it's already 8:30." I said as she put on the new clothes, almost too small for her already.

We flashed downstairs to the kitchen. She pulled chinese take-away out of the refridgerator and heated it up. A strange breakfast, but it was what she wanted. I poured us both a cup of earl grey. As we ate our food, Elena finished off the chinese, and ate most of the fruit in the kitchen. At exactly 9am, the doorbell rang. I opened the door to see Caroline walk through with a ton of bags.

"What is all that for?" I asked, pointing at the bags.

"I figured Elena would need it, and boy was I right." Caroline said, as Elena walked into the living room from the kitchen, still eating an apple. She gave Caroline a hug and looked at the bags. "Maternity clothes, I know you wont need much, so I only got enough for the rest of the week. I hope they fit! I couldn't resist, you know how much I love shopping." Caroline said, showing Elena some of the things, then they both flashed up to our room, probably to help Elena change clothes. A few minutes later, the doorbell rang again, and I opened it to reveal Doctor Fell.

"Come in, the girls are upstairs getting dressed." I said, as I motioned to the living room. Within seconds, Elena and Caroline had flashed back downstairs. Elena was wearing a very classy flowing top, that accented her new stomach perfectly, she looked like a goddess.

"I'm guessing you already took his blood this morning?" Doctor Fell asked Elena as she walked into the living room.

"Yeah... something kinda came over me and I couldn't really control my blood lust until I had it, and I ended up taking a lot more than last time." Elena told her.

"That is probably the baby's way of saying that it needs the blood even more now. The baby can only hold back your transition so long. It's already defying nature as it is. I would say take the blood as often as you feel like you need it. It's the baby's only real way of communicating with you." She said. It made sense, but it worried me that the baby needed the blood so badly. "Let's take a look."

She motioned for Elena to lay on the couch, and lift up her shirt. She put the blue gel on her stomach and started moving the wand around, looking at the baby, taking measurements. It was an amazing thing to see, the baby looked so much bigger today than yesterday.

"Okay, so today the baby is measuring at about 23 and a half weeks, which is a huge jump from yesterday. Would you like to know the gender? I think the baby wants you to see, the legs are wide open." The doctor asked. I had never heard of being able to know what you are having before it was born. I guess that is what I get for being locked in a coffin for a hundred years.

"It's up to you, Kol, I am fine either way." Elena said to me, most people my age (hint hint-old people) would probably go the traditional way and have it be a surprise, but I think we have had enough surprises for the week. I wanted to know.

"I want to know, I think we have had enough surprises, don't you think?" I asked Elena.

"You could say that again. I was hoping you would want to know, I'm dying to know." Elena said to me. I smiled at her, thankful she respected my decision.

"And I want to know too, so I can go shopping!" Caroline said from behind the couch. We laughed.

"Okay, you see that right there," she said, pointing to the middle of the screen. I could barely make anything out, but I think I figured it out for the most part. "It's a..."

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