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"Elena, are you okay?" I asked quickly. She was sick. Vampires didn't get sick, and she wasn't much human left. I was concerned.

"I'm fine, I must have just ate too much. I feel better already. No, I don't." She said before she leaned back over the toilet. I rubbed her back. "Now i'm fine." She said, standing back up. I wondered if she was sick if my blood would help her. It couldn't hurt could it?

"Elena, take some of my blood. If you are sick it will help." I told her, biting my wrist and holding it in front of her. She looked at it for a second then came close, when she was about an inch away, her face transformed. Her fangs slid out and she bit over my own bite marks, drinking just a little. I knew she must have been thirsty. As she drank, I felt the connection to nature. A vision passed before my eyes. I gasped in shock. Elena pulled away and her face transformed back.

"That was strange." She said, wiping her mouth. I was still shocked by what I saw.

"What was strange, darling?" I asked, still thinking about the vision.

"I just, I don't have any sort of blood lust. I wanted your blood, but I have no desire for any other kind, at all." She said, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Maybe it is just part of the process? Do you feel better?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, much better. I'm not even tired anymore." She said, washing her hands. I thought I heard something, but I passed it off as traffic outside.

"Good, darling. Caroline is coming over today, in fact she is probably on her way." I said, motioning to the fact that I was still shirtless and she was only wearing my shirt. She looked down and blushed, then flashed into our bedroom. Within seconds, she was dressed and had thrown clothes at me to get dressed. I laughed at her sudden cheerfulness, then put on my clothes as she instructed. A few minutes later, the doorbell rang. I began to walk down the stairs, but she passed me, running at vampire speed.

"Caroline!" She exclaimed as the front door opened. The bouncy blonde came inside and hugged Elena.

"You are happy, and you look much better than you have the last couple days." Caroline pointed out. It was true, the blood really helped.

"Yeah, I got sick this morning and Kol gave me some blood, and now I feel great, oh and I got my fangs back. But I don't have any bloodlust." Elena explained, as if she was on a sugar high.

"Wait, you got sick?" Caroline looked at her accusingly.

"Yeah, it was just because I ate too much, must be part of the transition. I wish it would just hurry already, instead of getting back one thing at a time." Elena said, throwing herself on the couch. I watched from the stairs.

"What is that sound?" Caroline asked. I knew I had heard something. Elena shook her head.

"Probably just traffic, I've been hearing it for a while now." Elena said, turning on the tv. I flashed over and turned the tv on mute and listened closer.

"It's not the traffic, Elena, it's coming from you." I said as I walked over to her.

"If that's her heartbeat then something is wrong, it's way too fast." Caroline said, walking over as well. It was true, the heartbeat was way to fast, a vampires heartbeat was much slower than a humans. I listened closer to her chest. Her heartbeat was not fast, it was slow, as a vampire's should be. The sound was coming from another source. I kneeled in front of her.

There was no possible way...

"What is it, Kol?" Elena said, looking down at me. I was in shock.

"Impossible." I murmered.

"Oh my God." Caroline said, putting her hand over her mouth, Elena just looked at both of us like we were crazy.

"Will someone please tell me what is wrong with me?" Elena said, getting angry. It snapped me out of my daze and I stood up next to her.

"Elena, it's not your heartbeat." I told her.

"Wouldn't that be a good thing? I told you it was just the traffic." She said, trying to sit back down.

"Elena, you aren't understanding. It is a heartbeat, just not yours." I further explained.

"And?" She asked.

"Oh come on, Elena, you're pregnant." Caroline said impatiently. I glared at her and she shrugged. I looked back at Elena who was laughing?

"That was a good one, now really, what is it?" Elena said, still laughing. I looked at her seriously.

"Elena, she's not joking. This is real." I told her. She saw that I wasn't kidding and her face turned to shock.

"That's impossible." She said, looking down at her stomach, even going so far as pulling her shirt up.

"Aparently not." Caroline said.

"You were a full human, and I was as well when you were in the past, darling. It's possible, to some degree. Although I don't know what will happen considering the fact that you are turning back into a vampire." I said, truthfully.

"You don't think that it will- no. I won't think about it." Elena said, sitting down staring into nowhere.

"Elena, when you bit me earlier, I had a vision. I didn't say anything because at the time, I, too, thought it was impossible." I said, remembering the vision.

"What did you see?" Elena asked, curiously.

"A child." I told her, seeing the hope in her eyes.

"If you saw that, then maybe me becoming a vampire won't effect it?" She said, hopefully.

"Elena, do not let this cloud your vision. We do not know anything yet, considering none of this has ever happened. Please do not get your hopes up, not until we know something more concrete." I told her. It was hard for me to say it, because I was excited on the inside as well. A tear escaped her eye and I wiped it away.

"I will just come back later, don't worry, your secret is safe with me. Just don't go around any vampires until you want them to know, because it's only getting louder." Caroline said, walking out the door. I turned back to Elena.

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