Amros wore a smile in his face, a very irritating one. His clothes also seemed noble, a black longsleeved shirt inside, a black silk waistcoat with purple ancient writings as linings, black pants and a pair of black boots.

''You called me? That's new. Aren't you a bit reckless, calling me outside like this, what if someone sees me? You could've just talked to me telepathically.'' He said.

Rosh ignored his statement and said. ''I'm bored, and if ever someone found you, you can just kill them and erase the evidence. Doesn't matter, really.''

''Well, you're not wrong. So, do you have another servant's order for me to do, Master?'' He asked in a playful tone.

''Get me food.''






''I'm pretty sure that's food over there beside you.'' Amros said.

''Stop acting innocent. You know there's an odorless and colorless poison mixed in that garbage.''

''Uh-huh. You can just remove the poison, Master. It isn't too hard.'' Amros said. Rosh glared at him.

''Don't kid, never in my life will I eat a plate full of shit. Go make a bag of gold and buy me the most expensive dish in the capital's best eatery.'' Rosh ordered.

''I see, I shall then.''

Amros acted like he surrendered and started using magic. His palm glowed into a golden color that slowly took shape, like a golden coin.

It continued the process until he made atleast a hundred gold coins.

''I'll leave and return for your breakfast, Master.'' The humanoid said before drowning back into the darkness.

Rosh didn't speak. He glanced at the tray of food on his side with glowing eyes.

Tendrils of darkness slowly crept up to the tray like a group of serpents and swallowed it whole. When the shadows disappeared, all that's left was the empty tray along with a clean plate and glass.

Rosh chuckled sarcastically at the thought of his parents poisoning him.

God, he was just kidnapped the night before and now they're giving him poison that weakens his constitution? Pathetic bastards.

Suddenpy, a knock and a burst of slam disturbed his thoughts. Rosh almost rolled his eyes but used his body to flinch instead.

Josh, who was panting, immediately went to his side with a worried look.

''Brother! Are you alright!? I was so worried. I almost thought you were gone!'' Josh said, teary-eyed. Or maybe you 'wished' me gone, Rosh thought.

He smiled at Josh. ''Don't worry, brother. I am alright. Our abductor haven't done that much to the other noble children and I.''

''Are you sure?''

''Of course I am. You trust me, right Josh?'' Rosh asked in a rather eery way. Josh suddenly felt uncomfortable but didn't mind it too much.

''I do, brother. I trust you! Anyways, I'm sorry.''


Josh looked at him and sniffed. ''It was my fault you're hurt.''

''What?'' Rosh arched a brow. This prat, is he stupid? Oh, he almost forgot that his twin is a foolish one.

''I-it was my birthday party! I should've had protected you, you are my twin! Maybe that man wouldn't have hurted you and just get me instead! I'm so sorry, please don't hate me brother!'' Josh yelled with all efforts.

''Why are you sorry? It isn't your fault at all. I would never hate you.'' Of course, I hate you. ''You are my twin.'' I wish you weren't. ''And most of all, I love you and I don't want you to be hurt by others.'' Since I will be the one to do that.

''Thank you brother.''

''No problems, twin.'' Rosh said in a sickly sweet tone.

''Ah right, mom and dad wouldn't be able to visit you since they have businesses to attend to.'' Josh showed a solemn expression. Though Rosh felt the opposite, he was glad that the snakes on his side is lessened even just for a day.

'Mom and dad? How informal for a Razon child to casually call such endearment to his noble parents.' Rosh thought.

''B-but I'm sure they're still worried of you, Rosh!'' Josh added.

''It's alright. I understand them. It is for the sake of our house and reputation after all.''


''I'm fine, Josh. Also, I'm very tired and kinda needed sleep now. Would you mind if you leave me to rest? Go and have fun with other noble kids since we have reached a proper age.'' Rosh suggested.

''E-eh? Will you be alright brother? I don't wanna left you out. I want to be friends to others with you!'' Josh insisted. Rosh sighed. As unbearable as it sounds, he needs to do this. ''Josh, I'm only gonna rest for a few days. I will catch up soon and be with you okay?''

''Hmm, o-okay. I will wait for you brother. Be safe, eat lots of healthy foods and recover quickly okay?'' Josh reminded.

''I will.'' Rosh nodded. Josh smiled happily before leaving the room. When Rosh couldn't sense anyone's presence near anymore, he took a deep breath and lifted his darkened eyes.

''Tsk, such a waste of breath.''

Then he looked at the corner of his room. ''Come out, Amros.''

The purple eyed man went out of the shadows.

''Enjoyed your talk with Josh, Master?'' He teased. Rosh rolled his eyes. ''Whatever, where's the food?''

''Here it is. These are the special dishes of the popular eatery in the central. It took me another pouch of gold coins to buy this.''

Amros took out a cloth where the containers of food were secured. He put it on Rosh's study table and started arranging the meals. Rosh stood up from his bed completely fine and went to eat.

He ate rather unappetizingly. Luxury foods like this weren't a new thing.

Anyways, he must start his plans now.

''Come out, Luar.'' Rosh called out to his new servant that also emerged from the shadows and kneeled on his side.

''You have called for my presence, my lord?'' Luar said. His voice was deep and very intimidating.

''Brace yourself, and you Amros. My preparations of power and strategy have reached the peak.'' Rosh brutally stabbed his cutting knife on the cooked meat's flesh. ''Tonight, we will destroy one of the things he, my bastard father, have been proud of.''

Amros and Luar put their fists on their chest and both spoke in unison.

''Your joy is our pleasure, Master.''



I. Am. Sorry. !!!.

I didn't have time to update because of my classes! Atleast now, is the only time my teachers decided to stop the classes for a while. I truly apologize, please don't hate me! And starting today, my updates are gonna get slower and slower since the second grading period have started so..yeah.

On the brighter side! Thank you so much to everyone. For the first time in my life. I reached a milestone of more than a hundred fews in my boring works!

Happy celebration for the 22k reads! Yey, I love you guys so much, thank you! Lovelots.


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