Ye Ci pursed her lips. She was reluctant to answer the question. So someone who is as bad at naming as I am exists in this word.

"How many pets do you have?" Fleeting Time stared at Ye Ci with a smile on his face.


"Don't tell me that.. Your first pet is called 'Ol' Three'?"

"How do you know?" Ye Ci was surprised. Is the name that easy to guess?

"Because you're the boss, which places you as 'one', and Ol' Two is a certain male organ, which meant that your only viable choice is to start with Ol' Three, and this dinosaur right here is Ol' Four." Fleeting Time chuckled, "Little Gongzi, I've never expected you to use a similar naming system. You can say that it's just like different tunes played with equal skill!"

"You mean we're both bad at naming our pets..." Ye Ci mumbled. This guy is so shameless... How can he describe something as embarrassing like that into something dignified? I don't think there's somebody as shameless as he is.

After a moment's of rest and making sure that Ol' Four and Little Five were fed, the duo continued their exploration.

They no longer needed to go into stealth as they had already discovered the trigger to the neutral monsters. Vo'sok was once a beautiful city full of plants and life, but the only things remaining in the city were dead trees and wilted flowers. Even the river had dried up, and the bone remains of fishes that had once inhabited the river could be seen on the cracked riverbed. One could easily imagine the former glory of Vo'sok. Ye Ci and Fleeting Time were free to walk around the Goblins when there were no mechanical dogs around. The Goblins in the city were dull and sluggish. There was not even a sign of vigor in their eyes.

The duo advanced ahead carefully, constantly taking note of their surroundings. They would take out any mechanical dogs that appeared, before their barks could attract any monsters nearby. When the two finally stopped for a short rest, it was time for dinner.

"What? You're not logging off to have dinner?" asked Fleeting Time when he noticed that Ye Ci showed no intention of logging out of the game.

"Nope." Ye Ci shook her head, "This quest is too time sensitive. I've even connected nutrient packs to my gaming cabin. I won't be logging off before I complete this quest unless something serious happens." she stared at Fleeting Time, even if I'm not going to go offline for the sake of completing this quest, I can't expect him to stay online with me, can I? My supplies were replenished anyways, "Why don't you go have you meal? I promise I'll remain in the dungeon."

Fleeting Time was about to voice his mind, but decided against it. "Alright. I'll go offline. Be careful and take note of your surroundings when you're in the dungeon alone."

"I will." even if they were enemies, Ye Ci accepted Fleeting Time's parting advice. After all, she would definitely suffer from a heavy penalty if she died in the dungeon. Even respawning would be a problem for her.

Fleeting Time logged out of the game after Ye Ci nodded her affirmation.

Ye Ci decided to head deeper into the city of Vo'sok after replenishing her Stamina. Despite the significant number of Goblin roaming aimlessly at the outskirts of the Vo'sok, Ye Ci did not encounter any Goblins within the city itself while walking around the streets with the Goblin Compass in hand. The city was filled with the stench of rotting plants and corrupted soil, but Ye Ci could still see the occasional wild flowers in secluded corners of the city.

This made the atmosphere of Vo'sok even more sorrowful to Ye Ci. Despite her lack of knowledge in the Ancient Goblin language, Ye Ci was able to discern the different shops in the city through the symbols drawn on their signs, which were used in every continents.

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