Chapter 18: "Kill a man"

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Finally, we started travelling to the place where my brother was kept. I was nervous. I knew there was along journey till I meet him again, but something kept nagging at me.

What if he doesn't remember me? What if he doesn't like me? Will he be disappointed in me because I didn't free him earlier? What if his mean to me? What if, what if, what if... what if... if.

Maybe I'm just being dramatic. What if everything will be fine? Maybe he'll like me.

We walked for a few day. A few thing happened. They weren't really important. Things were going great. Everyone got along. Dream was still my best friend, but I also got along with Nikki, Wilbur, Tubbo and Eret. We talked, sang and one night we even danced. We had so much fun. I never knew life could be so fun. Despite everything I felt like I was holding something back.

My demon form. I was rarely in it, but when ever I had an urge to do something. My claws wanted to dig themself into flesh. I wanted to taste blood. I was slowly losing my patience. I needed to kill something fast before I hurt my friends.

This night we stayed near a city. It was a perfect time to kill. When everyone was asleep I got up. I stepped on stick. It  cracked. "What are you doing?" Nikki whispered to me. "D-did I wake you up?" I asked her. "No... I never sleep anymore... Why are you awake?" She said and sat up.  "Oh... I just can't sleep. I wanted to take a walk."
"I'll go on a walk with you." We got up. She put me on her shoulder.

We slowly walked in silence to the city. "Hey, I have something to tell you."
"And I have so much to tell you too....."
"Did I just say that out loud?" Nikki put her head down. "Let's make a deal. I'll tell you what's bothering me and then you tell me what's bothering you."
"Ok, deal."
"So, lately I have been feeling the urge to kill and I wanted to go to the town to kill someone before I hurt one of you."
"Aww" she hugged me. "Ok, I'll tell you my story. I don't sleep at night anymore because I'm scared. What if my family finds me? What if they take me away from you guys? I don't wanna leave you. I've never been so happy and free."

"Do you want to kill with me?" I suggested. Her eyes glittered. She evilly smiled. "Yes." We ran to in to a small allay. There was someone there.


Nikki ran to the person.

I jumped onto the person.

My claws dug into their flesh.

Blood ran everywhere.

It was beautiful.

I need more...


We killed a man. It was satisfying. I wanted more, but had to restraint myself. "Wow, we... we killed." Nikki put her bloody hand over her mouth. "We need to return to the others before they realise were got." I said. "And we need to clean up."

Near the town was a lake. We cleaned up at the lake. When we came back everyone was asleep.

Good we got away with that.

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