Chapter 15: "Voices"

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Okay, I had way too much fun writing this chapter.

The vines crashed through the building. The peoples screams were loud. Their judgmental looks pierced through my soul. I hated it... I think?

Their screams were beautiful. The falling building were poetic. All the people that I killed were just little piece of a puzzle that is life. They were destined to this. No, they weren't! I'm just a monster! And how would you know that? Your whole life you lived in luxury!

At least I respected the people! I gave them bread when they nedeed! I protected them! How would you know what it's like to be alive! You're not real! YOU'RE NOT REAL!

The voice turned quiet. I was holding my head in my arms. People slowly gathered around me.

is he alive such a mess who let him be king schlatt was always better than him is he alive such a mess who let him be king schlatt was always better than him is he alive such a mess who let him be king schlatt was always better than him is he alive such a mess who let him be king schlatt was always better than him

They didn't deserve me as king.

I sprung up. Vines crushing their chests. Blood running everywhere. I mindlessly rampaged through killing everyone I saw on the way.

No one is surviving. Not after this.

I felt like the voice's thoughts slowly became mine. They are your thoughts. They'll always be.

I heard a few voices behind me. I must of missed them. I turned around to see a small group. They all looked at me. Their looks were blank. Except one. That's when I realis-

"Hi, Eret!" Tubbo happily waved at me. "You know this bitch?" A blond boy whispered to him. The brown haired boy ignored him. "What are you doing?" Tubbo asked me.

I looked at myself. I was covered in blood. Red vines stretched from my back. I was basically levitating. This not who I am. But it's what you've become. No, I'm not this! Hahaha! You fool! It's too late now!

"I don't know." The vines slowly backed themselfs into my back. I stepped onto the ground. In front of me stood four children. "You should join us." A voice came from somewhere. I nervously looked around. "Oh, that's just Dream." The blond kid said. "What-"
"He's a ghost."

Wait, what do you mean I should join you?" I asked them... or the ghost... I asked someone. "We call ourselves the run aways!" Tubbo said. "And what do you do?" I aksed. He looked down. He didn't even know. Like everyone in the group. "I'll join you!" I said to break the silence. Plus, I wanted to protect these kids. Especially Tubbo.

I knew he's been though a lot, but I didn’t know anything about the other kids. I just hope I get to find out.

I heard guards rushing thoughs us. I grabbed the kids and ran. We just ran. And ran. And ran. We finally reached a safe spot. We sat down. "I haven't introduced myself properly. I'm Eret."


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