Never coming down

Start from the beginning

Iris looks at him with a coy smile, "Hi Peter, would you mind?"

He blushes deeply, the tips of his ears going pink. "N-No problem," Peter backs away stumbling over discarded bottles as he goes.

Iris chuckles as she watches him, "He's so dorky it's adorable,"

I raise a brow, "You know he likes you, right?"

"No shit, Deails," She rolls her eyes. "But fuck all that! Amos wrote me yesterday!"

"Uhh? So?"

"So, he finally wants me!" She squeals.

My eyes go so wide I feel like they are going to pop out of my head. "Holy shit Ris, he said that?"

" He just said he wanted to talk but I just have a feeling, yanno?"

I pinch the bridge of my nose, "Merlin, even if he does, what about Sirius?"

"Me and Sirius aren't serious, and Sirius knows that," Her eyes shine with hope and I don't dare to destroy it, so I just smile. "Where's your boyfriend?" Iris asks.

"Haven't seen him all night," I sigh.

I haven't seen him in four days.

Iris gives me an incredulous look, "Have you even left this spot?" when I don't reply she groans and drags me by the arm, pulling me behind her. "He's probably outside, that's where most of the Marauders are,"

We enter the backyard and the harsh cold air fills my lungs perfectly. I catch sight of Remus, Lily, James and Sirius all sitting around a fireplace. They all fit together so nicely, I will never be a regular part of their group. Still, I follow Iris towards them, my black flats crunching against the icy snow and goosebumps creeping up my spine.

I take a seat next to Remus, "I was wondering when I was going to see you," He says playfully.

He hasn't reached out to me since we went and saw my mother, i'm sure he was just giving me space, right?

I clear my throat, "I'm easy enough to find, if you bother to look," I reply coolly.

Remus doesn't say anything else.

Sirius nods his head lightly in acknowledgement of my presence as Iris cuddles up next to him. I smile at him in return.

"Cordelia, thank merlin you're here," James slurs, waving his red cup around. Dark liquid splashes over the side of the cup, contaminating the perfectly white snow. "I missed you!" He hiccups after his last word.

"Jeez, mate, how many drinks have you had?" I chuckle.

He starts counting on his fingers with furrowed brows. "Elevendy,"

"Hey, can we talk?" Remus whispers in my ear.

I nod and slip my hand in his as we stand up. "We'll be back in time for the countdown,' Remus tells the group. They all drunkenly nod or mutter an un-phased response back.

Remus brings me into a bathroom and the sound of the music becomes muffled as he shuts the door. I cross my arms and sit on the marble sink. Waiting. For what I don't know.

"Are you cross with me?" Remus asks, standing between my legs.

I bite my lip, "Why would I be cross?"

Because the past five days you haven't spoken to me.

Because over the past five days I realized I am so in love with you.

Because the past five days I realized you might not love me back.

Remus places his palm on the side of my cheek and his magnificent eyes soften. "I wasn't avoiding you, my love, I swear it."

Where were you?

I look down, I don't want to talk about this anymore. "Remus," I whisper.


I love you.

"Kiss me,"

Remus slides his palm from my face to under my chin, tilting it upwards. It seems like his stare goes on forever until finally, he connects our lips. He kisses me repeatedly, heating things up but never quite taking it far enough. My legs wrap around his torso, pulling him in closer. After a minute, I pull back, only wanting to look at his delightful face.

His hand slides up my leg, between my skirt. I shiver at the contrast of his warm palm against my cold skin. Remus' eyes never leave mine, "You look really pretty tonight,"

I bite back a smile at his lustful tone. "Thank you, Remmy," At the name his hand slides up higher, toying with the band of my underwear. He begins kissing my neck. "We have to get back to the others," I mutter.

Remus nibbles at my skin causing me to gasp. "Says fucking who?"

"Says you! You told them we would be back before the countdown," I sigh, my eyes fluttering shut. His pointer finger traces the hem of my underwear.

"We will be," Remus moves from under my skirt and places both of his hands of my hips pulling me impossibly closer to him. "Or we can go back now, if you prefer,"

"You're so annoying," I groan, placing my hand on the back of his head and pulling him in for another kiss.

"You know you love it," He whispers against my lips.



"Shut up and fuck me."

And he does.


"TEN!" Remus and I push past everyone, giggling as we knock people over.

"NINE!" We make it back outside and it's started to snow.

"EIGHT!" No one questions why we took so long, but Iris smirks knowingly and points to my neck.

"SEVEN!" Remus laughs loudly with Iris at my confused face, and he wraps his scarf around me.

"SIX!" I look around me and am thrilled to finally feel at ease.

"FIVE!" James pukes into the fire.

"FOUR!" Lily quickly sets a charm to re-light it.

"THREE!" Remus looks to Sirius and Iris.

"TWO!" I ignore it.

"ONE!" He wraps his arms around me tightly and smiles softly at me.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Remus kisses me.

What a lovely way to start the year.

JANUARY 1st, 1979

Song: Never coming down by Williamette Stone

'where we are now' remus lupin & regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now