42{i need to tell you something. P1.}

82 1 4

{thomas pov} *time skip* *evening*

'Hi thommy..'

Eve says while comming in...

'Oh hi omg! Babe i was worried were you ??...'

'I was at vics remember..'

'Oh yeah..i forget sorry..noww have you eaten because i made you'r fav pasta!...'

'Uhm thommy..can you please sit down for a sec i need to tell you something...uhmm i wanna divocre...'


'Thommy..it's not you..it's me..i fell in love.. i gave hy heary to...damiano...i'm sorry...'

'WHAT?!!..Mamma miaa!! Mamma mia!!.... Seriouslly?!!!! Again?!!!...'

'Thommy..you have to understand that this is realy hard for me..but i am happy with him...'

'Ofcourse you are!he is older!and he has the charms!!!'


'No buts! Do you really want to be with him?!...'


'Do you?!!.....'

I say while crying..

*silence again*

'Well?!...do you really want to be with him?!!....'

I shout while crying..

*silence again..*

'Hellloo??? I am trying to ask you something...?!!'

*silence again*

'Mi amore..if you don't say anything then i am leaving toni-'


'What do you mean no?????'

'No... i don't wanna be with him...'

'Then why the hell did you go to his facking house?!!!!!!!!..'

'T-to..t-to... i i...i....i..you don't know the whole...the the..the...whole...'

And she starts to panic

'Babe you're not speaking in full sentence...'

'I...i...i....i....you don't know the whole..the whole sto-story...i..he...he...omg...i cant i can't brea-'

*And she faints...*

'Babe!!...baby??!!...can you hear me?!!!...babeee?!!!!....'

I say while i am crying again...

'Mi amore...please....can you hear me?!....'

*eve's pov*
Is terrfying??...
no i don't think so.... It's the way it is you know everything must come to an end...the drip fianlly stops...
See you on the other side..oh eve no..there is no other side this is it.... 

{thomas pov}

'No no...this is not happening....baby please say something...!!'

I say while i am crying even harder now...

'Baby!!..please please..say something....please...'


'Babe pleaseee this is taking too long already..please say something...mi amore...i can't loose you again...please..please...say something....'

We're married now.❤️part 2 of when everything was fallen apart. Where stories live. Discover now