022; hot n cold 2

39 0 23

{thomas pov}

'So what do you wanna-'


'Eve?!! What's wrong?..'

I say while i am running back to the bathroom

'I..i just got my...period...'

'Oh baby...'

'I am so sorry...'

'Why are you sorry?...there is nothing wrong with having you're period..'


'Is it because we just had sex..?'


'Baby..there is nothing wrong..hey..look at me'


'Babe..i love you..now go get dressed and then you're gonna lay down..'


'Shall i make some tea?..'

'Yes...and some food maybe..'


*time skip afternoon*

{eve's pov}

'Oh hi sorry...i didn't feel well..'

'Hi eve..how do you feel?..'

'Hi damsi..i'm fine..were is thomas?..'

'Oh he went out..'


'With the girls..'

'Oh and what are you doing?..'

'I'm writing a new song..'

'Ohh!let me see!'

I say while i am sitting next to him on te couch

'It's not done yet but..'

'Haha mama mia..what??'

'Yeah it's so italian'


'Well..do you like it or???..'

'What??you want my opion??..'

'Yes ofcourse i mean you're important to me..'

'Wait what do you mean?...'

'Uh nothing..'

'Damiano..come on..'

'Well.. i mean..we've been friends now for a while..and you became important to me..'

'Ah damsi'

I say while i am giving him a hug..


And he leans in to hug me again

'Damsi..hey you can let me go now..damiano..'

'Huh?..oh yes sorry..'

'Damsi what's up?..i can see that something is wrong..'

'Uh nothing it's not that important..'

'You can tell me..'

'Uh..gorgi and i had a huge fight last night..and it didn't end well..'

'What happend?..'

'She left and the next moring she came home..'

'Ok but were was she?..'

'I don't know she didn't say...'

'Ok..uhm but damsi waht was the fight about?..'

'Something stupid...'

'Oo.. yeah you know..couples fight sometimes and it makes your stronger..you know..'

'I know..but i..no never mind..'

'no..tell me'

'No i don't want to talk about it..'


'Uhm eve..i l-'

'Oh hi guys'

And thomas comes in with the girls

'Hii sweeties..'

~evening~ ~00:00 at night~

{thomas pov}

i am sitting on the couch while watching a movie and eve is sleeping so i am watching it alone..now but all of the sudden her phone starts buzzing..

D; 'eve..come on.. answer me..'

Huh?? Why is damiano texting her??..Should i look?..no..we..well...ok..f it

{the converstation between eve and damiano}

E; 'dami we can't do this..i can't..'

D; 'eve what i wanted to tell you was..'

E;'damsi.. you have gorgia..'

D; 'yeah .. but..'

E; 'but what??

D; 'you know what i mean evi..'

E; 'come on.. you guys love each other..you've been together for years..you can't let that go..'

D; 'but...'

E; 'damsi..no..'

D; 'evi..i know you feel it to..'

E; 'damiano!..no..'

D; 'i know you felt it to..i knew it..when you were hugging me..'

E; 'damsi stop it.. i am with thomas.. i can't do this not again..'

And then she wakes up..and i put her phone down Quickly..But it's too late..

'Were you reading my texts??'



'Ok i was... and i am sorry..'

'What did you read????'


'What did you read?????'

*silence again*

'Thommy let me say this one more time what did you read???????'



'No..you change your mind like a girl changes clothes..yeah you..pms like a b*tch i would know..'

'Thommy!... come on...'

'and you overthink always speak...'

'I don't!...'

'I should know you are no good for me...'

'Thommy.. i don't love him!!! I love you!! How many f*cking times do i have to tell you that i am never gonna cheat on you?!!! How many times ?!!!!'

'Babe...stop shouting..'

'No!! How many times?????'

'Babe...i am so-'

And she starts kissing me roughlly...


Oehhh what's going to happend next???wanna know?? The next part is going to be up tonight! See ya next timee😘😘

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