47 0 41

*in the moring* *10 am* *Smut* *18+* *details*
{thomas pov}

It's 10 in the moring.. and i wake up to a sleeping evi my god she is so cute when she's sleeping..


'Goodmorning.. mi amore..did you sleep well?..'

'Yeah..i did...you?..'

'Yes..also because of yesterday..'


'What?...it was the best night..of my life..'

I say while kissing her

'Ah thommy...you're making me blush...'

'Ah cutiee..'

'Stop it!...'


I say playfull

'You wanna pay???'

She says with a straight face

'Oeh yes...'

'As you wish mister raggi...'

She smirks and her hands are going down to ny private part..Cause you know..we slept without the clothes..

'*ck..baby..you still know how to tease don't ya..'

'Yeah i do..daddy..'

'Stop calli-' ***ck baby...'

And she starts moving her hand..On you *know*

'God damnn..baby...you're good at this...'

'I know'

Eve says while she smirks at me

'**ck you're up to something..i-i know that l-look...'

'Oeh..you already knew..how clever..'

And she starts moving her hand a little faster...

'**tt baby...why-oh **ck that feels amazing...'

And then her phone starts buzzing..ot of no were and she stops..

'Babe who is that?...'

'N-no one..why???..'


'No..it's no one...'

And she grabs her phone and hides it underneath the bed covers...

'babe..who is it?...'

'N-no one..i-i told you...'

'babe come be honest.. i know you're lying..'


'Babe tell me who is it????'

*silence again*

'Babe tell me...!'

*silence again*

'Babe come on..now...tell me who is it????'


'Is it who i think it is?!....'

'i..i...i.. thommy you have to understand..tha-'

'Babe i've had enough of this...'

'I .. it's damiano yes...but as i said the last time i told him not to call anymore..and yesterday he called me also..out of no were...and de day before that..i mean i didn't even pick up..and i really don't know why he is calling me...and now he is texting me..great...'

'Give me your phone...'

'Babe..let it go please...'


'No thommy let is go please... let's contiue..with..you know..'

And she starts kissing me..


I say while pulling back

'Thommy let it go...please... i'll put my phone ayway..see it's on the nightstand...now..'

And she kisses me again...

~after a while~ *they are doing the dirty*

{eve's pov}

'**ck thommy....pleae...go fast-**ck ny god..'

'Hm..mi amore...i-i am g-getting close...'

'Me t-to honey... **ck...'

'Kiss me...mi amore...'

And i stars kissing him...

'Hm..**tt thommy..go fast-**ttt you're goin-**ck!..'

I almost scream..a litte to loud..

'Com-come on baby..give it t-to daddy...'

'My g-god..baby..i-i- am g-... ***ck thommy...'

And i am closing my eyes.. while i feel his body moving against mine..

'B-baby..i-i...Mama m-oh *tt honey.....'

*and they both **m*

'Oh..my..god...that was...ama-'

'Amazing i kn-know..'

Thommy says while chatching his breath

'I love you so much baby...'

He says while he is layning down next to me

'i love you to thommy raggi..'

'Stop calling me thommy!..'

'No i won't '


'Mommy?...why are daddy and you naked?...'


'Uhhh because..uhhh sweetie how long have you been akwake..?'

'Uh i heard you screaming mommy...'

'well..mommy uhm was uhmm...'

Oh my god..how i am i going to explain this to a five year old... crapp

'well..mommy and daddy were playing a special game..because uhm mommy and daddy love each other..'

'Oh but why did you scream then...? Mommy..'

'Uhmm because daddy was tickling me..'

'why was daddy doing that?...'

'Because he love mommy sweetie..now go back to you're room..and go play honey..'

'Okay mommy!love youu'

'I love you to sweetie..'

*and he runs back to his room*

{thomas pov}

'Honey..you did that so well...'

'stop!!This is not okay!...'

'Hahaha you should've seen you're face..haha honey'

'Thomas raggi!stop it right now!!'

'Haha what?he is five..relax...'

'No!he should've seen that baby..come on..'

'Oh admit it ..it was a little funny...'

'No..it was not...!'

She tries to say with a straight face..

'Hahaha okay okay..babe shall we go get dressed and have breakfast..'

'Yeah sounds good to me thommy..'

'I love you..'

'I love you to funny boy..'


Haha okay alright thanks to thomasraggiwifey  fort this idea again 😉😉🤗 now the kids are walking in to mommy and daddy doing a special game😂😉

But uhm i hope you enjoy this chapter! And see you next time!😘😘

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