Halloween Special

Start from the beginning

"I guess. Or you could show me what you have..." He raised an eyebrow while I rolled my eyes, turning away from him. "Ok creep, so what you're not gonna do if you want my help is whatever this is." I said pointing to him. I reached into the open drawer, pulling out parts of my costume. "I don't know what you're waiting for, i'm not showing you anything." I muttered, throwing the pieces of clothing I needed for my costume onto the bed and going to leave.

Connie frowned, following me out and back into the living room. He grabbed my keys from off the counter, jingling them in my face. "Are we going shopping or no??" He said, Sasha laughing as I rolled my eyes.

The store wasn't particularly full, mostly consisting of your everyday shoppers along with the few who waited last minute to buy candy for the children, either forgetful or hoping there would be a sale of some sort as the candy shop was the most lively in the mall. "This way." I said plainly, pointing towards the Victoria Secret just around the corner. "Oh I know where it is." Jean smirked, confidently turning the corner as Sasha and I shook our heads in disappointment.

"I somehow feel as though i'm over sexualizing women by being in here, even though I am one." Sasha sighed, limply dropping a random thong back into its spot. "Me too, well minus the being one part. I'm a feminist." Connie said proudly, covering his eyes whilst tilting his head down. I laughed, grabbing a full body black set off of a table.

"Hey, i'm a feminist too!" Jean argued, turning it into some sort of argument as an employee gave us a strange look. "Would you two please shut up." I laughed softly, begging as I handed Jean the piece of fabric. "I don't even know if they have a size for y'all." I frowned, holding back a smile.

"Well that's not very body positive, (y/n)." Connie frowned, crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes, throwing my hands up in the air before turning around to find a larger size for Jean, his tall build most likely to stretch out the material anyways. "How am I supposed to know what this stuff means?" Jean asked, looking at the tag of one of the pieces before discarding it, Sasha quickly folding it so the workers wouldn't have to.

"Well, what's your bra size?" She teased, raising an eyebrow at the boys while we both laughed. Jean and Connie simultaneously reached up to feel each other's chests without hesitation, our eyes widening as we watched the boys like some wild animals. "I'd say a solid four." Connie nodded, an impressed look on his face as he continued to grab Jeans pecs.

"A four?!" I laughed, Sasha bringing her hands to her face as even Jean gave him a confused look. "Um...ten?" Connie said hesitantly, Jean lifting his hands off of his chest looking disappointed in his friend.

"Connie, bra sizes aren't measured like a rating system. They go by letters babes." I sighed, a girl behind me chuckling to herself. "Oh." Connies face grew red as he turned, taking one of the pieces from Sasha. "Even I knew that bro, that just proves you get no bitches, absolutely-"

"Leave me alone." Connie groaned, walking towards a fitting room. The three of us laughed, Jean soon following behind him. "What're we going to do with them..." I sighed, leaning against one of the stands as Sasha shook her head, running her hand over the neatly folded lace. "No clue."

The one she had handed Connie looked...familiar. I didn't shop here much, but maybe? I was hoping it was just similar to maybe something I had, that's all, right? Didn't matter since the boys wouldn't show us, but they were apparently happy with their results, buying the pieces of lingerie whilst getting strange looks from the cashiers.

"You guys pick 'em out for your girlfriends?" The guy at the counter smiled, bagging the clothing for them as Jean pulled out his card. He began to nod his head yes when Connie interrupted, Sasha and I glancing at each other before he started to speak. "No, they're actually for us. Gotta be open minded, ya know?"

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