Chapter 28

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"How's it coming along?" Noor kissed the side of my head and peeked over my shoulder at the pages before me.

"Have you ever heard of the name Vox Populi?" Noor hummed in thought.

"Vaguely. I think my parents told me a story that had that name in it. Hold on." Noor made her way over to a phone and punched a button.

"Hey, can you both come down here, please?" Noor was tapping her foot. "Now, preferably." She scrunched up her nose. "Disgusting. I didn't need to know that. Just hurry up." She hung up the phone and shuddered.

"What is it?" She looked at me with a distant look in her eyes.

"My parents informed me of their current activities..." She trailed off and shuddered again. Realization hit.

"You don't need to say anything further." Soon the door opened, and in walked her parents. Her dad smirked, and Noor rolled her eyes.

"What is it you needed us to come down here for?"Noor signaled them to sit down.

"You used to tell me a story about something or someone named Vox Populi. Do you remember that?" They both nodded their heads.

"Yes, we do. It is the name of an elder being. Just folklore passed on throughout generations." I inserted myself into the conversation at this point.

"Well, according to this translation, they are real." Everyone looked at me, surprised, and I just gave them all a look. "What are you looking at me like that for? They're real. Can we get on with the program?" I looked over at Noor's parents. "Tell me more about them. The text is very vague in describing them." They nodded.

"They are said to be the voice of all the people to other gods and goddesses. Through them, the gods and goddesses speak to us, and we can speak to the gods and goddesses through them. They are said to be all-knowing of all creations at all times; they know all the answers to our questions. They are also the ones who saved us from the gods' and goddesses' wrath at the beginning of our existence. They believed us to be too flawed and self-destructive. Vox Populi convinced them that they and we are not so different. Neither of us is truly perfect; we can succumb to our tempers and flaws, we both can leave destruction in our wake. However, with the guidance from Vox Populi and the gods/goddesses, they can guide all of us to the right path. Of course, some people cannot be helped at all; they can deal with the God of what some consider hell when they get there." I nodded. "Just for your information, hell and the stipulations for landing you there aren't how white colonialism wants you to believe. The only way to truly land yourself in "hell" is by truly being evil and soulless. Rapists, child molesters, murdering someone without reason. Like if you murder someone who rapes your child or kills your family member or something along those lines, they show mercy and understanding." I nodded again. Letting all the information swim throughout my head.

"Well, they are real, and we have to find them. They are the only ones who can tell us how to defeat this deranged piece of shit." Noor put her hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner.

"Okay, so next posing question. Where do we find them?" I look back down at the pages and skim till I find the location.

"Mons Dei Qui Vox Populi?" I tried to pronounce everything to the best of my ability. I was honestly cringing out my pronunciation.

"Umm, love. Will you write down what you are trying to pronounce?" I could feel my face heat up just a bit. I wrote down what I saw on a piece of paper, and they all looked at it.

"Ahh... Latin." I looked at it.

"Why is everything in Latin?" I questioned no one in particular.

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