Chapter 25

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"Home." The brief eye contact we did exchange her eyes were so intense.

I was soon flung back into my seat as Noor put the pedal all the way to the floorboard. At least that's what it felt like.

"Noor! Slow down!" She almost ran into the back of a car in front of us.

"Hannah, can you teleport all of us? I don't think we can wait to get to the portal?" Noor completely ignored looking at Hannah through the rearview


"Yeah, I can. It will take a lot out of me, though." Noor seemed to give an apologetic smile.

"On the count of three, I need you to teleport us." Noor counted down, and on three, it felt like I was flung all around. We landed on the road in Noor's world, and Jesus did I feel a little woozy. I looked back at Nina, and she had wide eyes.

"That was so fucking cool!" She looked around at all of us, pausing on Hannah. "Let's do that again." I rolled my eyes.

"Are you fucking crazy? We are not doing that again. At least not right now." Nina, of course, decided to act like a child and huff while she crossed her arms across her chest. Her pouting turned into curiosity as she finally took in our surroundings.

The trip was quiet other than Nina making comments on how beautiful the scenery was. Hannah was passed out in the backseat. Her head was resting on Naiomi's shoulder. Naiomi seemed perfectly content with this and even seemed to be more relaxed. Then, all of a sudden, I heard Nina gasp out. I looked back at her quickly.

"What is it?" I asked, completely concerned.

"You live here? Holy shit, it is so fucking big." I looked in front of me and realized that we were finally home.

"Oh..." I turn back towards Nina. "Can you not gasp like that over shit like this next time? I thought something was wrong. Gave me a heart attack." She kind of groaned but cut it off quickly.

"Okay.... Mom." I didn't have to look at her to know her eyes were rolling. Probably so much so that if I looked back at her, her eyes would be stuck.

"Okay, let's hurry up and get inside." Noor hadn't been parked for even a second before she was halfway out of the car, barking orders.

Once we got inside, Noor had all of us follow her. We traveled through parts of our home I had never seen before. Granted, there is still much ground to be covered, but the twists and turns we were making let us deeper and deeper into the castle. It almost felt a little eerie. She stopped and touched the wall with her hand. Soon she pressed on a brick, and it moved back and was replaced with a scanner. The scanner not only was going off her handprint but also pricked her finger to make sure the DNA matched.

"We should be safe here. There is a lot we need to do." We all filed in one by one.

"Lareina, I need you to start translating those last few pages and figure out what our next moves are. Hannah, there's a cot in the corner; go lay down and get your strength and energy up; we will need every bit of it. Naiomi, I know you may want to cuddle your mate, but I need you to make phone calls to our generals and go over battle plans. We will most likely be going to war soon." She then turned to Nina. Sitting all childlike but waiting for her mission. "Nina... Honestly, I don't know what task for you to do. I guess, help your sister." Nina kind of deflated. I know she was hoping for a bit of a more significant role.

"Can I do anything else? Like, where I have my own role?" Noor sighed out and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Fine. Call the pack that lives around you and tell them they need to be on high alert. Explain the attack and make sure they have your family under lockdown." Nina nodded her head.

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