Chapter 20

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"What the hell!" I spoke out, trying to catch my breath.

"It's gotta be him again. The attacks are happening more frequently." I nodded in agreement with Noor.

"Okay... So, what do we do?" I voiced out with concern. We aren't safe within the walls of our own home, and we aren't safe when we leave.

"I know you're not going to like this answer, but honestly, I don't know. We have no way of locating the Puppet master, and quite frankly, even if we did, we don't know how to put a scratch on him, let alone defeat him." A surge started throughout my body.

"Whoa, love. You need to take some deep breaths and calm down." Noor spoke out, her eyes looking deep into mine. I could see the glow of my eyes reflecting in hers.

"Calm down? Noor, we are completely fucked. We have an evil villain who's untouchable and wants us dead. We don't know anything about how to defeat him, and he's attacking more. He sent my dad after me in our own bedroom, for christ's sake!" Noor put her hands on my shoulder and started taking deep breaths, and reluctantly I mimicked her.

"We are almost to the safe house," Naiomi spoke, breaking up the breathing exercises. I looked up at Noor.

"The safehouse?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah. We need to go somewhere else." I looked off, deep in thought.

"Why don't we go to my house back in the human realm?"

"I don't-" Hannah cut Noor off.

"Actually, that's not a bad idea. We can head to the safe house, and I should be able to cloak us from there as we travel to the portal. So they won't be able to track us down for a while. Plus, going rogue can protect us, just in case there are rats in our inner circle." Noor nodded her head, pondering deeply. Deep down, I was really hoping she'd go for it. I want to see my family so badly.

"Fine. We'll go. I have some connections in the human realm, and they have an archive of books. Maybe we can find one to help us figure out our enemy."

With that, we made our way to the safehouse. We didn't spend too long there gathering some supplies, like money and identification. Next, Noor and I had to have Hannah cast a spell so that our eye color looks normal, and she made my hair darker again. Soon Hannah cast the cloaking spell, and we made our way to the portal. Once there, we made it with ease, landing ourselves somewhere in Texas. It looked like The outskirts of San Antonio, which, if we were, we aren't too far away from my family.

We stopped at a gas station, and Noor called some number on a payphone. About 20 minutes later, an SUV pulled up and rolled down their window. The girl had bright pink hair, gauges, and I could see a lot of tattoos.

"What's up, sis! Long time no see. Get in, losers, we're going shopping!" The girl laughed hysterically, and I laughed a bit, too, getting her reference. We all filed into the car, Noor taking the passenger seat while the rest of us took the back.

"Is she really your sister?" I whispered in her ear from behind the seat.

"No need to whisper. I can hear you. You could say that. Her parents adopted me when I was younger. My parents were killed by the same guy that's after you." I sat back in my seat, and I could feel my eyes bulging.

"Damn. I'm sorry to hear that about your parents. It seems this dick has fucked over a lot of people." She looked at me through the rearview mirror.

"I like her. I like people who cuss. They always seem to be more truthful." She looked at Noor then back to me as she said this. I smiled at that. At least I'm on her sister's good side.

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