authors note

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hey guys it's lana. as im approaching the halfway point to my senior year, the production of my book is going to get a little slower. i loved writing this book and i have so many ideas but im not sure how to get there smoothly.

im really sad bc writing this used to bring me so much joy but now it feels like a little bit of a burden. i don't want the story to end here. like at all. but i just don't have the time or ideas to round it out or to finish it up properly.

im really sorry, but i think i might put a slight hiatus on the heart broken because i don't want to let anyone down but the story has been slipping in readers anyway.

i think also im a little unmotivated because of the lack of new content from South Park. it's been two years since the last season and i feel like my side of the fandom is dying. maybe im just being dramatic lol

if anyone has any idea on how to get out of this rut or how round this story out, my messages on tumblr are always open @/santaclaritaairbnb

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