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Lilly could say with absolute certainty that there was something special about the world she had reincarnated into.

When she had to start leaving her safe haven to set up a life for her and Yūta, she had done her work in short, methodical bursts. She did not linger longer than necessary; each visit ended up only being ten to thirty minutes long.

She went out of her way to draw the least amount of attention to her, more than perturbed that she had been attacked several times by humans who called her a Curse. She did not understand what drew them to her, and she was reluctant to risk a confrontation so soon.

She primarily lived with Yūta in the haven she created in the In Between.

Nothing attacked them there, and nothing had come for her since her awakening years ago. She figured (and hoped) the In Between was safe.

In those exceedingly short outings, Lilly was able to notice several things in Japan.

There were... things.

Beings of spiritual energy laced with negative emotions. They passed through the world like fish swimming in the ocean, phasing in and out of humans and objects with little difficulty. In terms of strength, they seemed exceptionally weak—one good swat took care of them—but the fact that they existed at all perturbed her.

Creatures like those existed in worlds closely tied with death. She did not feel the presence of a death world stacked on top—like in Bleach or Soul Eater—which meant there was some kind of tear.

Visiting the other countries, she noticed the creatures could only be consistently seen in Japan, adding further fuel to her tear theory.

Some kind of big event happened in Japan to cause a reality tear between life and death.

Which meant somewhere in that world existed a creature strong enough to tear apart realities.


She did not want to fight that.

During one of her trips out in the world, she lingered in an area filled with those odd little creatures. She watched them move about, curious if any of them were intelligent.

"Begone, Curse!"

Lilly heard the man shout, but she assumed (optimistically hoped) he was talking to someone else or something else.

And then she felt a surge of spiritual pressure hit the back of her head.

She turned around, incredulous as to why a man would attack her.

Her body had been born in 1993, which meant she was only (physically) twelve at the time.

For some reason, the man was trembling in fear as he looked at her.

Why? Lilly thought.

He did something with his hands, and Lilly felt another shot of spiritual energy hit her. It hadn't hurt—she kept a thick layer of condensed spiritual energy around her—but it was terribly rude.

"Stop that," she said, flicking her right hand to conjure a gust of wind laced with spiritual energy to knock the man down.

And that was how she learned that the humans of that world were fragile because she accidentally splattered him against a nearby building.

Lilly buried her face in her hands as she groaned. "Oooh damn it, not again."

Usually, she thought desperately, special world and special humans translate to sturdy humans. Like Naruto, Blue Exorcist, or HxH. So these humans are somehow special but not sturdy? What the kind of bullshit world is this?

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