hundred twenty-nine

589 16 11

Y/N was standing in front, staring at space as it whizzed by, when Tony came over and wrapped his arms around her from behind. He pressed a kiss just behind her ear, pulling her closer.

"What are you thinking about?" Tony whispered.

"How I'm suppose to be prepared for something, but I have no idea what," Y/N whispered.

"The fate of the universe is not on you."

"But it is, Tony... and there's-"

"No." He quickly, yet carefully, turned Y/N around to face him. "This is not on you." His hands held Y/N's face to look at him. "Whatever happens is not your fault."

"You can't say that. We don't know what will happen yet."

"You're right, we don't. But I will not let you feel the way you are feeling. And I promise, that I will not let anything happen to you."

"I'm not worried about me... I'm worried about everyone else... it's too much... it's all too much..."

Her eyes were tearing up, and this was all breaking Tony's heart. He pulled her into his chest, cradling her head. It was killing him to see her like this, but he really didn't know how to fix it. Tony didn't understand exactly what Y/N needed to do, and he was coming to the conclusion that she didn't either.

The two could feel the engines begin to slow. With Tony keeping an arm around Y/N, the two looked through the large window. The ship was approaching a planet. Peter and Dr. Strange joined the couple by the window.

"Hey, what's going on?" Peter asked.

"I think we're here," Strange replied.

"I don't think this rig has a self-park function," Tony said, looking around. He left Y/N's side, waving Peter over to where he was going. "Get your hand into this steering gimbal. Close those around it. You understand?"

"Yep, got it," Peter responded, quickly following Tony's directions as Tony put one of his arms in it as well.

"This was meant for one big guy, so we gotta to move at the same time."

"Okay. Okay. Ready." Out the window, Y/N could see that the ship was heading straight for the center of some wreckage. "We might wanna turn. Turn! Turn! Turn!!"

Tony tapped his reactor, armoring up. "Y/N! Get over here!"

Before Y/N could reach Tony's side, the ship clipped a piece of rumble on the planet, throwing Y/N to the side. Peter has his helmet come up as Dr. Strange stepped between them, creating a shield for the rough landing. As the ship, shook and plowed through the dirt, Y/N portaled herself over to Tony. She wrapped her arms around him to keep steady, only for them both to be thrown to the ground. Parts of the ship flew off before it finally came to a stop. Tony's helmet disappeared as he searched Y/N for any injuries. He quickly noticed that her breathing was fast and her eyes were clenched shut.

"Honey, honey," Tony called. "You're okay. Hey, look at me. Look at me." She shakily looked up at Tony from her position curled up into his side. "We are safe. You are okay. You're not hurt. Right?"

"I... I'm... o-okay..." Y/N stuttered softly.

"You haven't had something like that in awhile." Tony sighed before kissing her head. "I'll get us out of here. I promise." Dr. Strange came over and helped them up. "You alright?" Tony asked Strange, who nodded. "That was close. I owe you one."

"Let me just say," Peter started, descending from above like a spider, "if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something, and I eat one of you, I'm sorry."

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