hundred twenty-four

Start from the beginning

"Not an option," Y/N said. "You've seen what they're saying in the news. We're lucky they haven't shot us out of the sky. Not to mention that I'm on board and that if they turn off the Framework-"

"That thing's draining all our power," Agent Davis stated.

"Might be time we figure out a way to wake up Daisy and Simmons," Piper suggested.

"Again, not an option," Y/N argued.

"We must find something else to turn off," Yo-Yo said.

"We already shut off all non-essential functions," Davis stated. "Including the heat and the cloaking."

"Why haven't they shot us from the sky yet?" Piper wondered. "We haven't been cloaked for almost a day."

"Because I'm cloaking us," Y/N stated.

"What?" / "How?" / "You can do that?"

"I've never released the amount of power I'm releasing for this long of a time, so I really don't know how much longer I can hold it for." Y/N turned to Daisy and Simmons, nibbling at her thumb nail. "They're taking too long though... I think I need to go in after them."

"No!" Yo-Yo exclaimed. "If you're what's keeping us safe, then we need you conscious."

"It's still only a matter of time before we have to land and I can't hold it anymore. I can get in there and pull them out."

"You don't even know where the duplicate of you is."

"What makes this world different, Yo-Yo? Why is it different than ours?"

"Simmons said something about taking a regret away."

"So everyone has one regret taken away?" Yo-Yo nodded. "Then I have a pretty good guess where I'll be."

"You have no way of knowing if your powers will work."

"If it's basically a replica of our world, then I'm pretty sure they will. Besides, I'm not an inhuman, my powers are from sources much more powerful than some stupid computerized world. Now hook me up, we're running out of time."


Y/N gasped as she woke, immediately taking in her surroundings. She was in a casket, in the ground, inside of the Framework. She wasn't surprised at all to find herself there, there was only two things she ever regretted. This regret Y/N had was one she always kept to herself, for reasons as to not hurt the ones she loved. She took a deep breath.

"Here goes nothing," she whispered to herself.

She put her hands on the top of the casket and focused. The purple energy quickly glowed from her hands, blasting forward to free her from the ground. She crawled out of the hole, analyzing her surroundings. Arlington Cemetery in Virginia, just outside of Washington DC. Looking down, she realized she was in an old, warn out, military uniform. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the headstone. Turning to look at it she wasn't shocked to see what it said:

Y/N Rogers

July 4th, 1918 to November 1945

A Hero Of World War 2

A Champion For Women

"Okay," she whispered to herself as she stood up, brushing herself off, "If I were SHIELD, where would I be?"

Raking through her mind, it didn't take long for her to come to a conclusion.

"The base."


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