"In a gambling den?" Esme laughed, sharing a look with Zara as they silently made fun of the woman.

"I'll wait in the car." May started to walk back out the door, noticing the tension.

"If I open the door again they'll all want to come in. Like flies." Esme rolled her eyes, stopping May in her tracks. "So what are you?"

"What am I?" May was confused.

"She means, what are you to my husband?" Zara smiled tightly.

"I'm going to train his racehorse...For Epsom." May sounded uncertain under the harsh gazes of the women. 

"You know horses?" Esme asked, softening a bit.

"Yes. You?" May nodded.

"Born riding. I slept in a manger when I was a baby."

"I was born riding too." May began to walk around the betting shop again, taking in her surroundings.

"There's a great fucking Riley parked out there and nobody's watching it!" John ran into the betting shop, stopping in his tracks as he recognized the woman from the auction.

"John, May says she's training Thomas' horse." Zara said, giggling as John mirrored her smirk.

"He's told us a lot about you." He said, trying to rile Zara up.

"Don't know where he is, do you?" May asked, looking up at the tall man, seemingly not intimidated. John shrugged and made his way into his office.

Right on cue, the door opened once more and Tommy finally arrived. "Sorry I'm late." He cleared his throat as he joined the group. "There was a family matter. Esme, keep it locked up for a minute."

"Yes, Thomas." John's wife nodded.

"Hi, love." Zara smiled as Tommy wrapped an arm around her waist, pressing his hand flat against her stomach. Her lover pressed a kiss to the top of her head in response and pulled her closer. Tommy was always very touchy with Zara, no matter where they were he always had her glued to his side. Now that she was pregnant, it intensified. Tommy always kept a hand on her bump at all times, as it was his way of protecting the child before it was even born. Zara sent May a fake smile as the woman looked uncomfortable with Thomas' affection.

"We'll show you around." Tommy said to May before walking a few feet away with Zara, not waiting to see if May would follow them.

"So, be my guest." He gestured to the open room, indicating that she could look around. Tommy leaned against a brick column and moved Zara to stand in front of him, one hand on her stomach and the other looking at his watch.

May walked by Esme's desk where she was doing the books before wandering to the offices.

"That's my brother Arthur's office. Down there is my brother John's office, that's where we slate the runners and the riders." Tommy called as May passed each destination.

"It's so out in the open. What about the police?" She asked, innocently.

"What about them?" Zara rolled her eyes.

"When I drove into Small Heath, I thought I was going to get murdered."

"Pity." Zara whispered, smirking as Tommy stifled a laugh with a cough.

"Then I mentioned your name. It was like being escorted to see a king." May finished.

"You came here to get my girl, right?" Tommy asked, changing the subject.

"Right." She nodded.

Tommy took Zara's hand and led them out of the betting shop and to Charlie's yard where the stables were. Zara was hoping someone would snatch the rich woman from behind them, but alas she was still there when they arrived.

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