- VII. -

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[B i r m i n g h a m , 1 9 1 9]

"Is there any man here named Shelby?" Billy Kimber asked impatiently. "I said, is there any man here named Shelby?"

Tommy, Arthur, and John strutted through the doors to the snug, gazes trained on their unexpected guest. "Harry. Get these men a drink. Everyone else go home." Tommy ordered. Zara poked her head through the window in the snug and looked to Grace.

"Grace, go home. Now." Zara ordered, glaring at the barmaid. Grace nodded, confused yet terrified of Zara, and ran out the front door past the men. Zara brushed her hair down, and straightened her dress before mouthing to Theo to stay there with Finn. Theo nodded and focussed on keeping the little Shelby content while Zara exited the snug, slamming the door to alert them of her presence.

The Shelby brothers sat on one side of a table in the middle of the Garrison, with Billy Kimber and his accountant on the other side. All of the mens' eyes snapped to Zara as she came out of the snug, smirk on her face and a dangerous look in her eyes.

"I never approved of women in pubs but when they look like that.." Kimber said, failing to be charming as he looked Zara up and down. Zara had never met Billy Kimber, her father's business with the disgusting man being the responsibility of Theo, and knew they had an advantage since Kimber wouldn't know who she was. Zara settled behind Tommy's chair, placing her hand firmly on his shoulder, her smirk never faltering.

"You said you want men called Shelby. You've got three of them." Tommy coldly said, bringing the attention off of Zara.

"Right, I never heard of 'ya. And then I did hear of 'ya, some didicoy little razor gang. I thought to meself, so what? But then you fucked me over. So now you have my undivided attention." Kimber ranted. "By the way, which one am I talking to? Who's the boss?"

"Well I'm the oldest." Arthur stated, causing Kimber to laugh.

"Ha! Clearly."

"Are you laughing at my brother?" John added, leaning forward dangerously.

"Right. He's the oldest, you're the thickest. I'm told the boss is called Tommy, and I'm guessing that's you, 'cause you're looking me up and down like I'm a fucking tart."

Zara held back a laugh at Kimber's attempt to intimidate them. "Which one of you is the boss?" Zara spoke from behind Tommy, narrowing her eyes at Kimber.

"I'm Mr. Kimber's advisor and accountant." Mr. Roberts spoke up before he was interrupted by Kimber.

"And I'm the fucking boss okay? Right. End of parlay. You fixed the race without my permission, you fucking gypsy scum! What, live off the war pensions and these poor old Garrison Lane widows? That's your level. I am Billy Kimber! I run the races and you fixed one of them. So I'm gonna have you shot against a post." the gross man spat.

Zara felt Tommy's body tense, so she squeezed his shoulder gently warning him to contain his anger. "I would be careful in the way you speak, Mr. Kimber. You never know who could be listening." Zara said icily, feeling her own anger rise.

"I don't know who your whore thinks she is, but she should learn to keep her fucking mouth shut." Kimber glared at Zara.

"Mr. Kimber." Tommy started, once again bringing Kimber's attention off of Zara as he took the bullet from the Lee family out of his pocket. "Look at it. That has my name on it. It's from the Lee family. You are also at war with the Lees, am I right? The Lees are attacking your bookies and taking your money. Your men can't control them. You need help. What would James King do if he found out you were losing him money?"

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