- III. -

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[B i r m i n g h a m , 1 9 1 9]

Zara couldn't help but feel proud of herself as she left the Garrison, after knocking a little sense into Tommy Shelby. God that man was insufferable, Zara couldn't stand him. Who did he think he was, trying to fix her family's race? Thomas Shelby was a weak man with blind ambition; and there was nothing Zara despised more than weakness. She knew that the Peaky Blinders could never win against the Kings, and she truly couldn't think of what would make Thomas take a risk, like starting a gang war. 

Tommy may have been weak, but Zara knew he was smart. Tommy definitely had a trick up his sleeve, and she was determined to figure out what it was.

Zara returned to her father's club, knowing he would want to call a family meeting to discuss the Shelby problem. She plopped down into a private booth, putting her head down, hoping to sneak in a quick nap before she was joined by her father and brother.

"How'd it go then?"

Zara was ready to put a bullet in the head of the person who disturbed her, but relaxed as she lifted her head and saw it was only her friend Anna, who worked as a waitress at the club.

"Was Tommy just as gorgeous as he was back in school?" Anna asked dreamily.

Zara resisted the urge to puke. "Everything was fine, Anna. Fired a few warning shots, and told 'im to be careful."

Anna looked disappointed. "That's it? No tension like you read in books?"

Zara smiled softly at her friend. Anna was only a few years younger than Zara, but it made a big difference in regard to their personalities. Anna had not yet really been exposed to the harsh reality of the world, and still held on tight to her imagination and hopes of a life straight out of a fairytale. Zara on the other hand, knew how disappointing the world was, and found no use in day dreaming.

"No, there was no tension." Zara teased with a smile. "C'mon sit down, Dad will be down soon with Theo for the family meeting." Zara moved over into the booth to make room for her friend to join her.

Right on cue, James and Theo King descended from the office into the main floor of the club. James nodded to the barman to lock the door, as he made his way to the booth his daughter and her friend were sat in.

Zara and Anna's small talk ceased as James sat in the booth first, followed by Theo. "I'm disappointed, sister. I was hoping to see you covered in some Shelby blood today."

Zara rolled her eyes; surprisingly, Theo was the violent twin. "Relax Theo, I'm sure by the end there will be blood to spill."

"If you two are done, I'd like to get on with the meeting." James raised an eyebrow at his children. Zara and Theo slumped down into the booth in defeat, as Anna giggled at the adults acting like children.

Zara sat up again as her father motioned for her to start retelling the events of her "chat" with the Shelby's.

"I have no doubt that it was Thomas' plan to get those men to fix the race. I think he used them as bait to catch our attention. He had to know that we wouldn't let them live after trying to go behind our backs." Zara started.

James smirked with pride at his daughter. Zara had always been a clever girl, and James was confident in her intelligence. "Excellent, Zara. What happened at the Garrison?", he asked.

"I shot three bullets through their door and held a gun to Thomas' head." she shrugged.

Anna's eyes bulged out of her head, while Theo lost it, doubling over in laughter. "That's fucking fantastic." he said trying to catch his breath, "I wouldv'e loved to see Tommy and Arthur's reactions, we all know John doesn't give a fuck."

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