- VI. -

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[ B i r m i n g h a m , 1 9 1 9]

The bonfire had been a success. Tommy had managed to get a reporter to come from the Birmingham Evening Dispatch to write a report that would surely reach the Prime Minister by morning. Zara was proud that the bonfire had been her idea, but she had to admit that her and Tommy made a pretty great team.

After the reporter left, the Shelbys and the Kings made their way back to Zara's home for a long overdue official first business meeting. Zara made her way into the kitchen to put the kettle on, as Theo grabbed a bottle of whiskey from a small table in the corner of Zara's living room, pouring everyone a glass. Zara's guests all settled around the dining table, with the Shelbys occupying one side with the Kings on the other.

The atmosphere was tense. James King certainly knew how to hold power over a room, and the Shelby boys were intimidated. Polly rolled her eyes at her nephews' failed attempts to look unbothered. Zara returned to the dining room carrying a tray of teacups as she noticed the room's atmosphere.

"Okay we all want the same thing, so let's not kill each other. All right?" Zara said, trying to keep the peace.

"Thank you, Zara." Polly smiled, glad someone else in the room had any sense.

"Firstly, I want to thank you for working with my daughter." James King spoke, officially starting the meeting. "I trust that Zara explained everything."

"Yes." Tommy answered. "But I want to hear it from you, Mr. King."

Zara's head snapped towards Tommy, warning him not to anger her father.

"I would be careful who you order around, boy. Don't forget it was you who tried to fix my race." James casually responded, leaning back in his chair.

"Ah, your race. But Billy Kimber runs Kempton, does he not?" Tommy asked.

James chuckled. "You're a smart lad, I'll give you that. I let Kimber 'control' Kempton, but the money goes to me. He just wants the opportunity to look important."

"You see Mr. King, some of my boys heard that Kimber plans to take control of your race. That could be very dangerous for you. If Kimber can overthrow you, who's to say some other pikey won't try as well?"

"And what do you gain out of telling me this, Mr. Shelby?" James asked, narrowing his eyes at Thomas.

"Zara's right. We need each other if we want to take out the Inspector. I only wish to extend that alliance. I do not want your races, Mr. King. Just a legal betting license, and freedom to do so at your races." Tommy continued, leaning towards the man, looking quickly at Zara, his blue eyes shining.

"I'm sorry but why would we agree to that?" Theo spoke up for the first time. "No offense, but the Shelbys are nothing compared to us."

"Well to start, you owe me for punching me in the face." Tommy shot a look to Theo, who glared right back. James looked in confusion from Theo to Tommy, waiting for his son to explain.

"I thought he'd kidnapped Zara, so I punched him." Theo shrugged towards his father who rolled his eyes.

"You just couldn't leave it alone, after I told you she was fine?" James snapped.

"You knew where she was, and didn't tell me?" Theo realized.

"Of course I knew, Mrs. Gray called me immediately." James nodded towards Polly in gratitude.

"Why don't we get back on track?" Zara suggested. "Tommy and I have a plan. This morning, the boys started a war with the Lee family. I have sent someone to alert Kimber about Monaghan Boy and I have no doubts that he will come looking for trouble. We will strike a deal with Kimber, offer him protection from the Lees, get him to sign a betting agreement to the Shelbys, and then betray him. Father, you have been wanting to get rid of Kimber for ages, this is our chance."

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