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The rage in me is going to explode in 3...2...

"Where the fuck do you think you are going?"

I sprint after Jolie as she is a couple steps away from her ride. I yank her back with so much force her bag falls off her shoulder and falls on her front, catching herself with the palms of her hands. I flip her around by the shoulder, placing a knee on either side of her.

"You look hot above me. We should do this position more often." She licks the bottom of her lip.

Fire ignites within me. My body is confused as hell. My dick likes it but the rage is still flowing through my veins after calling me out like that. I can't back down. Jolie needs to learn who she is dealing with. And her attitude and mouth end today.

I lean my face not even an inch above hers. "You are fucking dead. Speak another word, breath around me, even glance my way one more fucking time, and I will shove my knife straight in your stomach and watch you bleed out until you are nothing but a lifeless body at my feet. I'm not fucking afraid."

"Do it." She demands. "Stab me right here, right now. Let me bleed out on the sidewalk of your palace. You aren't a pussy, right?" Her lips brush mine as she says, "I. Fucking. Dare. You."

I'm lifted off her body just as I reach in my pocket. Before I can get far enough away from her, I spit in her face. I'm dragged away by Joel. I watch Jolie stand up and wipe the spit off her face. She flips her knife open, lifts up her shirt and cuts herself near her belly button. After that, she acts like nothing happened and leaves.

She's a fucking lunatic. I'm hard as baseball bat for a fucking lunatic. Joel may have kissed her, but I'm going to do so much more than that.

"Are you fucking crazy?" Joel spits at me. "Did you want your mom to see you? You're in enough trouble as it is."

"Get the fuck off me!" I push at him. "If it wasn't for you, this whole situation wouldn't have happened!"

"You're just pissed off because I kissed her."

"Fuck you! Fuck all of you!" I yell.

I don't look back as I get in my car and speed out of the parking lot.

My dad is walking up to the house as I pull in. I shove my keys at the valet's chest my dad was adamant to have. I storm past my dad and in the house.


Fuuuuuuuck. Just let me be! I have a problem I need to take care of!

"Are you ready for work tomorrow?"

He's seriously asking me if I'm ready for work when I have a fucking hard on the size of the titanic?

"Ready as ever. Dad, I can't talk now. I gotta piss a fountain."

I take the stairs three at a time so I can reach my bathroom in record time.

I hop in the shower and my mind is quick to imagine Jolie as I close my eyes. I picture her walking toward me in nothing but her leather jacket. My mind fills in the blank of her naked body. She stares me dead in the face as she strokes my cock with both of her hands. The image turns into thrusting myself deep in her mouth as I did to Chloe last week. The only difference? Jolie craves the aggression. She pushes herself deeper and harder with her mouth, clawing at my ass to take me the entire way.

I groan. I come down her throat just as I come in the shower. I open my eyes and my hunger for Jolie is more intense than before.

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