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My eyes open to a gray ceiling and light shining directly in my eyes from the window. When I look around, I see all these girls topless laying every which way around me. Someone's smelly ass feet are in my face. I push them away and sit up, rubbing my eyes

My head is fucking pounding.

I look around and the room gets worse and worse with each blink. Joel is passed out on a chair with some girl passed out on his lap. The sea of girls covers the floor. What the fuck happened last night? I look down at myself. I'm still dressed. My wallet and keys are in my pockets.

"Joel." I try to be somewhat quiet as I yell his name. He doesn't stir. "Joel, you fuckhead, wake up!"

I look around and see a girl has on one high heel. I yank it off and throw it. I hit the lap girl in the face instead. She falls on the floor and stays still. Shit, is everyone dead?

I grab another shoe and hit Joel, the heel gets caught in his mouth. Joel's eyes bolt open and he looks around. The shoe falls on the ground on it's own as he reaches for his head. "The fuck is going on?" He groggily asks me.

"That's why I threw a damn shoe at you!"

"Shit. Is New Girl here? Did we fuck her?"

"I don't know Joel, did we fuck all these girls?"

"Your guess is good as mine."

"I'm gonna need some medication before I go home. My dad is already out for blood because I didn't bartend last night. I would rather have my head pulsing less when he raises his voice at me."

"You can't leave me with all these girls, man! It looks like a crime scene up in here!"

"I'm sure they will eventually wake up. They all seem to be breathing. Maybe not the girl at your feet, you should check her out."

"Go ahead and leave. And New Girl is automatically mine."

I stop at the door. My body tenses and my vision goes dark. "The fuck she is." My body whips around so fast, I almost fall over from stepping on a girl's limp arm. I fist his shirt in an instant, pulling him up with ease. "Fucking touch her, and you are dead to me."

"I might as well be dead to you. You would rather leave me than help me with the situation right now. She isn't yours to claim. I can touch her wherever, whenever."

"Fuck!" I scream bloody murder. My voice bounces off the walls and girls start to stir from the floor just as confused as we were. "I'm not fucking fighting you over a fucking chick! You want the bitch, fucking take her then! I don't have time to tiptoe around your goddamn feelings. I have Chloe anyway so who needs that fucking gothic freak?"

"You say that, but I don't believe a damn word you say."

"Next time you see Jolie, shove her against the fucking lockers yourself and see how her body reacts to you. I'm out of here."

Joel is a fucking moron. He thinks he can get any girl and he wants to go after the one I have my eyes on? Not for dating purposes but torturing. Maybe a little side action in my bed to spice it up. I can't wait until he tries to kiss her. She's going to freak the fuck out on him. Maybe she will flip her knife on him. I wonder where she got her knife? It seemed like a nicely handmade knife, not one of those cheap made ones you buy from Walmart for twenty-dollars. I'm guessing it's stainless steel.

Why the fuck am I thinking about her knife when I'm getting closer to having my life choked out of me?

My mom seems better than last night. She's dressed up with her make-up done and no hair out of place. She looks up at me with a warm smile and a cup of coffee in her hands. "He's in his office." She says. "This time, not one person better bleed on my floors."

I smile and walk in my dad's office. I was hoping he would be on the phone. Nope. Just writing shit down. He doesn't have to look at me as he bitterly demands, "Sit."

I fall into one of the lather chairs and my knee rocks a mile an hour. My dad is the only one in the world that makes me nervous. He's unpredictable.

"Dad, I'm sorry-" I begin.

"Save it." He still doesn't look up.

I play on my phone, waiting for him to speak. My dad has me sit there for fucking ten minutes before he sits his pen down and looks at me.

"From here on out, you bartend every weekend until I give you the okay to have your freedom back. What could you possibly have been doing that is more important than the family business?" I don't respond to him. "If you don't show up for a shift, I'm cutting you from the crime family. If you can't put your true family first, then you don't need to add another. Prove to me you won't let me down again and I'll think about adding you to a couple plans. I'm hanging them all to Joel for now."

"Fuck Joel! He seems to be taking a lot from me lately."

"If you weren't slacking as a son or a person in general, you could have everything you want."

"Whatever. I'll be at the club whenever you need me."

I stand to leave but my father stops me. "And I don't want you going anywhere except school. I'm grounding you."

"You're going to ground me because I didn't work last night?"

"No. I'm grounding you because your mom told me about your problem at lunch and in the locker bay with that girl."

I knew my mom couldn't keep her trap shut. She wouldn't dare to keep anything from my father. He may worship her feet, but she has one teeny tiny terrified bone for him. If he finds something out that she knows, he makes sure she knows it. I think that's a normal married thing. She obviously loves him enough to keep up with all his mafia shit. Don't bring it into her house. It stays outside of these walls or in his office. That's why his office has glass doors. Evidence or his dirty money can go from outside to his office.

My social life is fucked. I'm my father's bitch until he says so. Might as well be getting fucked in the ass by one of his men. Joel's already fucking me over, so what's the difference?

"Hey, baby?" Chloe calls me. I don't want to talk to her. "Are you busy?"

"What do you want, Chloe?" I lay on my bed and throw a signed baseball in the air and catch it.

"I wanted to see if you wanted to do something? Or maybe I could come over?"

"I'm not in the mood, Chloe."

"What's wrong? You never call me Chloe!" She cries through the phone and I want to so badly smash this fucking screen.

"I'm sick." Chloe goes to respond but I hang up. Sick of her fucking shit. She knows to leave me alone until I need her.

I sit up and see my knife on my dresser. I reach for it and flick it open, chuckling from the events of the locker bay. Next time, I'll let Jolie lick mine. 

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