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GUYS?!??! 15K?? You know I had to give y'all another chapter. Thank you so much and enjoy <3

Dior pov-

As I stood there wearing possibly one of the shortest outfits I have ever worn, I will not deny for a second that I felt like a bada$$. And I knew I was one. But it did not help that I could feel all of those pigs eyes on me. I had gotten a mic so that I could communicate with everyone but none of them took me seriously. Is this some type of stupid joke? Everytime I talk into the mic asking a question they never answer as if they can't hear me. So none of my questions have not been answered, which is not good considering I know nothing about baiting. How do I know when to stop... baiting? Do I wait for a cue? WHAT THE F*CK DO I DO?!?

I need to find Ace. Like right now. But looking around this club, I cannot tell where he is at all. Oh yeah, we are at a club. Apparently I am waiting for a guy named Julio? I have only seen a picture of him and he's old. Wrinkly old B*tch.

As I saw Ace from the corner of my eye talking to some other guys, I quickly walked past all the smoke and strippers knowing that we did not have a lot of time before Julio would get here. When I walked over to him, I noticed that the men he was with stopped talking. Ace's head turned around until my eyes met his. He scanned my outfit as if he was seeing it for the first time. Like this guy didn't pick this whole outfit out. I didn't let him think before I said, "I need to talk to you Ace." I walked away and knew he would follow me. Like my little puppet- where did that come from.

"Dior you are on a mission and the whole point is to see how YOU do. I can't really help you here" He said like the idiot he is.

"Can you just shut up and tell me what I am supposed to do with him?"

"Signore Aiutami (lord help me) Okay Dior, the number one rule is do not hurt him. You need to take him back to his place so our team can get in and get everything we need to set him up. Do not break until we tell you on the Mic okay?"

"Okay sounds easy" I was about to walk away but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him. His lips brushed my ear as he whispered...

"This is your first chance to prove yourself to everyone, so don't. Break. Until our cue." He said in a low whisper. I nodded and walked down the stairs to the bar where I was going to wait for Julio. I had already had one shot and that was all I needed for tonight.

My eyes darted to the door as I saw him walk in with 2 blondes on his side but they immediately went to other men when he got to the bar.

Julio- "A whiskey on the rocks. Hurry up." He spit out with his raspy voice. An easy target.

Dior- "rough day?" I said in a flirtatious voice. His head spinned to me and I could see his smirk grow.

Julio- "yes but it might have just gotten better..."

Dior- "Oh? And how is that" I stepped closer to him.

Julio- "My names Julio. And yours?" He didn't even answer my question. How desperate could he be?

Dior- "Bella." I lied. I can't let him know my actual name. Arabella, Bella, close enough.

Julio- "well Bella, how about we go somewhere a little more private?"

Dior- "your place perhaps?" He smiled and gulped down his drink before grabbing my hand and leading me outside of the club. While we were leaving I looked up to the balcony to see that Ace was nowhere to be seen.

When we got into his car, it reeked of sweat. I was going to scream. If this is how he treats his car, I do not want to see how he treats his home. I noticed that he quickly got out of the parking lot and speeded away from the club as if I was going to change my mind. Once we got to the freeway, he put his hand on my knee which seemed to make its way up to my mid thigh. God I would need to take ten showers to get his stank off of me.

Before his hand could get any higher, I put my hand on top of his, Yes I internally threw up, and made sure it stayed there. This guy is old enough to be my father. This is just disgusting.

When we finally got to his house, which felt like forever, he opened the door and let me step inside first. I heard him immediately lock the door behind me while I stood still near the entrance. This is far enough right? Can I stop now? We are already at his house. What more do I need to do?
I didn't even get to look around before he put his hands on my hips and pushed me into the wall.

Dior- "WHAT THE HE-" I cut myself off and said, "What are you doing Julio. That is no way to treat a lady."

Julio- "Oh please you are no lady." He said pushing himself more onto me. Ace told me not to break. Dont. Break.

Dior- "what are you talking about?"

Julio- "Oh don't play naive. Dior honey..." Sh*t. "You are no lady. You're a murderer. But you look like a good f*ck. So just keep your mouth quiet okay?" His nasty mouth said before he started kissing my neck and pulled up my skirt a bit. AM I ALLOWED TO F*CKIN BREAK?

I pushed him off of me because this is honestly just embarrassing. I saw him roll his eyes and pull out a gun from his waist line. So THAT'S what was rubbing against me. I smiled a little but quickly hid it with a yawn. This is getting really boring. It could only get better if I actually had something to fight him with. But of course this stupud outfit has zero places to really hide anything.

What made it even better was how shocked he was that I didn't care he had a gun pointed to my forehead. Been here... Done that.

Dior- "you don't have the balls to pull the trigger." f*ck it. I'm breaking character.

Julio- "really sweetheart? Got a lot of balls for standing in MY house with a glock pointed to YOUR head. I would watch that pretty little mouth if I was you. Before someone puts a bullet in it. Or even better? My di-" I slapped him. This is really not good. Where the f*ck is Ace.
His cheek was red before he looked me dead in the eyes and slapped me back. Motherf*cker. He shoved me into the wall again but this time I felt a sharp pain on my side. My hand went to my waist and I saw blood. This F*cker cut me. I wouldn't let him know how much this hurt.

I'm breaking character. I punched him right across the face until his face turned blue. He grabbed my side with a death grasp and I could feel more blood coming out. I groaned as he grabbed his glock again and I felt the cold metal touch my forehead. Suddenly I felt blood splatter on me. Julio let go of my side finally and I stumbled back as he fell to the ground. Ace stood behind him with a Glock 34 on his side.

I looked to the ground and grabbed Julio's gun out of his hands. I shot both of his legs twice as his screams filled the house. He was bleeding out quickly.

Ace- "dior..." I heard him say behind me. I dropped Julio's gun to the ground since he had run out of bullets. My blood shot eyes looked Ace in the eyes as I grabbed his hand and got his Glock.

"See you in H*LL Julio."

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