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"Hey, president," I call from the outside of the cell, I can hear fists landing on bone and groans of pain.

After a few moments the blows fall silent and a few more seconds later the cell door opens. The president walks out with a bloody rag in his hands as he wipes it from his hands.

"What Rogue?" He asks and runs a hand through his dark grey hair.

"Your daughter isn't well." I clear my throat and shift awkwardly when his eyes narrow intensely on me.

"I found her looking for you in the club house." I quickly explain, as soon as I say that his eyes lighten and I feel my blood beginning to pump around my veins once again.

"Thanks rogue, a girl as sweet as her shouldn't be around men like us."

I can't help but nod my head in agreement. Whilst I don't agree with just how sheltered he keeps Katie, I can understand why he does. She's pure and precious and definitely doesn't belong in a biker gang.

"I think she caught a cold."

He sucks his teeth and shakes his head with a sigh. He glances back to the cell and I know what I have to do.

"I can take over." I offer, my father never let me sit in on any 'questioning' let alone be the questioner, but I'm not at the Viking Warriors anymore. I'm in charge now.

"Nah," president shakes his head, "thanks boy but he needs some time."

Sighing I nod my head, the relief I feel irritates me. How am I ever going to get their respect if I'm too much of a wimp? I knew my mother was spoiling me when I was young!

"I'll go home now and see Katie."

We begin to walk from the cell block after I check the cell is locked, and my president is texting someone on his phone.

"If you need anything, or Katie wants anything you only have to ask."
I offer with a fake nonchalant shrug, I truly want to do anything for Katie, but if I come off too keen her father could get suspicious.

I would like to keep my balls for the time being.

He suddenly stops walking and I instinctively take a step away from his potential explosion.

"You know what Rogue, you've look after Katie twice now and proven to me that I can trust you around her. Give me your phone."

Trying to hide the nervous tremor in my hands, I pull my phone from my cut and hand it to him without question.

He taps the screen a few times as then gives it back to me.

"I've given you Katie's number, so if she ever needs anything and I can't get there, I'll know you can."

I nod solemnly, understanding how much trust and faith the man has just put on me surrounding his daughter.

"Don't fuck this up Rogue, I will chop your balls off."

We both laugh until he abruptly stops and glares at me. My own laughter trails off and I nod at him again as we begin walking again.

"I won't fuck this up sir, I promise."

Just as he turns to walk away he hesitates and then stares directly at me.

"One last thing, call your fucking mother."

I look down at the ground guiltily as I hear him muttering under his breath.

"Life is short Rogue, things change in the blink of an eye. Don't not speak to your mother."

"I just... I just need some space."

He narrows his eyes even more intently and it forms into a scowl.

"So you're telling me that if your mother died tomorrow, you'd be ok with knowing you wouldn't speak to her."

He doesn't even wake for an answer before he heads off again and speeds up his walking pace so I'm left behind. He's eager to get home to Katie, not that I blame him. If I knew that girl was waiting at home for me, I'd do more than just speed up my pace.

I turn my direction towards the bar where I find Adrian already with a glass in his hands and a smile on his cheeks.

"Rogue!" He greets, waving me over to him and the man I'm fairly certain was the one who knocked me out.

I signal to the prospect and he slides a whiskey shot over to me. I knock it back easily and take a seat by Adrian, not by the headache maker.

"How's your head Rogue?" The man asks with a sly chuckle and a smirk.

"Not too bad, haven't lost my good looks." I tease making Adrian chuckle on his drink and smirking at the man I believe to be Benji.

"No hard feelings right man?" Benji checks, holding his hand out for me, I shake it because it was only one thump to the head.

"No, no hard feelings."

We drink together for a while and then Benji gets called away on business, whether it was business with a woman or actually business I don't know but once he was gone Adrian immediately pulls out his phone.

"I got to spend the morning with my little girl today." He puffs his chest up with pride and shows me a photo of the little red haired girl in a Snow White dress with a big blue bow tied on her head.

"Nice man, and your woman?"

He turns off his phone and shoves it in his pocket before shaking his head.

"I don't know man, it's getting better but I was a real asshole and it's going to take a lot of earning her forgiveness."

I nod and take the last swig of my drink before standing.

"I need to go now," I explain, "there is someone I need to call."

Hello my lovely readers,

I wanted to apologise for the lack of updates recently. I've had a crazy busy time and a few nights ago my grandparents got into a car accident which was incredibly shocking.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'm going to try something a little different as I feel you have all been really quiet lately!

I need at least 10 votes and 5 comments before I will update the next chapter. I'm not doing this to be mean, I just love hearing from people and having some support to motivate my writing.

See you soon (hopefully) with another chapter- things are about to get good xxx

MC's Viking Warriors- Rogue #5 Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon