Chapter 6 - Mielle...

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Skin met porcelain and something hot prickled me as it ran down my face.
"Mia…?" My voice was weak as I looked up at her, the look in her eyes was familiar but strange on her sweet face.
"I can't believe it. Why you?!" Her eyes drilled holes in my skin. "For how long have I been stuck with you? Constantly sucking up to you just so we could get closer yet you take him away from me. What's so good about you anyway? You may be a polished jewel but wait until I'm polished, my quality is sure to outshine yours!" she yelled.
"What… what do you mean?" I asked as a lump got caught in my throat.
"You don't get it? Even though you are so smart? I was using you to get closer to Lord Watson." she said coldly.
"Are we… not friends?"
"No!" she yelled and threw my porcelain cup at me as she stormed off.

It was all… a lie? My eyes began to sting as my chest began to feel heavy. She got close to me just to get closer to Lord Watson? Suddenly, breathing became more difficult by the second. Then… 
A sudden crashing sound interrupted my thoughts.
"My lady!? What happened?" Anne ran over to me and fumbled for her handkerchief to clean me up.
"Anne… what do you think about Mia?"
"About Honorable Mielle Lockens? Did she do this!?" She wiped my face.
"Be honest."
"I… do not think very highly of her. She is an illegitimate child and it is said that the Viscountess and Honorable Mielle Lockens' mother do not get along very well. Last time I saw her she was using the Viscount's love to abuse the Viscountess."
"So… if Mia ended up doing the same, would you be surprised?" I asked carefully.
"Not at all, her mother would have taught her to use her body and feminine charm to get whatever she wants."

At dinner I barely touched my food as it was brought to my room. So, Mia used me to get closer to Lord William whom she had a crush on. It felt as if something was picking away at my heart all day, my head was filled with Mia and her actions towards me. I stared blankly at the letter papers in front of me, Dear Mia, it read. I remembered Father's words as I pleaded for him to break off the engagement.
"You wish to break off the engagement!? For your friend? Who, if I have not forgotten, is the illegitimate child of a Viscount?!" he yelled.
"Yes… Father," I mumbled.
The crashing of his desk lamp made me flinch.
"Are you crazy!? You wish to give this golden opportunity to bring fame to our household by possibly becoming the queen to some nobody!? Get out!" he ordered.
I picked up the pen and dipped it in ink as I tried to write an apology letter. Dear Mia, I apologize for what has happened and I have tried to reason with my father however he does not want to break off the engagement. I stopped, suggesting her becoming a mistress of Lord William crossed my mind however the thought made me upset. I continued writing. Given my current position there is nothing I can do, please forgive my lack of competence. I beg of you, do not end things here with me, I need you. Sincerely, Eliza. I sealed the letter in an envelope and gave it to Anne who looked at me with pity. Yes, it must be pitiful to see me struggle like this however I can not part with Mia.

After countless rejections for Lord William’s visit Mother had forced me to accept, so there we sat across from each other in the very same gazebo as when we first met after our engagement. The sight of him made me nauseous. 
"You haven't accepted any of my requests for a visit, how have you been Lady Eliza?" Lord William asked, clearly distressed.
"I have just been feeling a little sick is all," I answered and fiddled with my dress.
"Mentally sick it seems," he looked at me with worry. Must be the red eyes. "But you don't seem to be doing any better. What happened?"
"I recently had an important friendship end," I sighed, "due to our engagement."
Lord William’s eyes widened.
"We can break it off if you-"
"I have tried, however the Marquis is steadfast on our engagement. I will just have to move on."

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