Chapter 4 - Lunch

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The sound of curtains being drawn open and light hitting my eyes pulled me out from dreamland, I rolled around in the lavender scented bed sheets for a while before I got up. Anne had already drawn a bath for me when I had gotten up, golden petals danced in the clear liquid. 
"The book is on your desk, my lady," Anne spoke with her soft voice, the one she would use every morning.
"Thank you, Anne." I changed out of my nightgown and submerged in the warm liquid.

After breakfast I flipped through the book which Anne had brought to me. It was an entire book dedicated to the Watson family, their history had been written down from when they first entered the kingdom to their latest battle for the kingdom which had been eight years ago, a small but swift battle against Odiyr on the northern islands. I spent the entirety of that morning reading through the interesting bits of their history, how they were a family of knights and how they got the title of Duke. A couple of generations ago they had married into the royal family serving as a loyal vessel and to this day they still have the authority to fight for the throne. What interested me was that the number of thorns on their crest represented the number of heirs and heiresses that had ascended to power. Their crest was a shield in front of the royal castle with a flower stem encircling it, its thorns did not face the castle. What would happen once the stem filled up with thorns? Will the thorns face the castle? Or will another stem be added? None of the thorns faced the royal castle, proof of their loyalty. Up until today no Watson has fought for the throne, interesting. 

My quiet sketching of the handkerchief got interrupted by the door opening, I turned around to see a short maid standing in the door frame.
"The Viscount has invited you for lunch," she said without bowing and staring me in the eye.
"Invited or ordered?" I scoffed.
"Be there in ten," she said and headed off.
Anne slammed the door close.
"Worry not Anne, I am used to it by now."
"But- not even the maids bother to show any respect! She did not even knock," she huffed angrily.
"It is all right, help me pick out a dress."

Father greeted me with a warm smile and kind eyes as he gave me a gentle hug.
"Elizabeth! Glad you could make it." I cringed at his warm tone. 
"Of course, I could never refuse an invite from my dear father." I hugged him back. Who could possibly accompany us for lunch for him to act this way? Oh… 

A slender lady with hair as dark as the night and fair skin was seated at the long table, when she looked at me and the sun hit her hazel eyes they resembled two golden orbs.
"I apologize for the sudden visit," she said as she got up from her seat, "however William seemed very pleased to meet you so I could not stop myself and came to have lunch with you." Her tone was relaxed and her eyes kind.
"No worries Duchess Watson, it is a pleasure to finally meet you in person." I curtsied and took a quick glance at the young lady beside her. 
"Oh, this is my younger sister, Henrietta, I brought her along hoping to make her a friend. Knowing her she will hole up in the library once you two enter school. She is a bit timid however be patient with her, okay?"
The younger lady who was sitting next to the Duchess was the spitting image of her older sister however her skin seemed paler. She carefully stood up.
"I- I am H… Henrietta Albert, daughter of M-Marquis Albert. I- it is a pleasure to meet… you." She looked at me timidly as she was trembling slightly.
"It is a pleasure to meet you too, I am Elizabeth Vanidestine, daughter of Marquis Vanidestine." I curtsied to her as well before seating myself at the table.

The clinking of utensils and idle chatter could be heard in the dining hall. I listened with one ear until Mother started using an alarmingly friendly tone.
"I was shocked to find out that Lady Henrietta is the spitting image of the Duchess, surely you must be burdened by marriage proposals Lady Henrietta." Mother, the self centered lady that she was, was unexpectedly complimenting our guest.
"I… have yet t- to receive any marriage… proposals," she said shyly and stared at her plate.
"My? Really? We might send one from Oscar then, I am sure the two of you would make a wonderful couple."
"Even if it is not out of love you would surely live a comfortable life since the only thing Brother does all day is study," I mocked and glanced at Brother who glared back.
"Indeed!" Father’s eyes sparkled from excitement as he got a chance to brag about Brother, "Oscar is a huge help for the business, always bringing new and fresh ideas to the table. In fact, it was his idea to import silk."
"Father you are too kind, if my dear sister had not thrown a tantrum over the lack of silk in this country I would never have come up with the idea," Brother scoffed lightly.
"My, you like silk, Lady Vanidestine?" Duchess Watson asked.
"Ah… yes, it is quite a lovely material that cools you off during the summer," I responded somewhat forcibly.
"I will be sure to inform William then," she said cheerfully.

The exhaustion of having to keep up appearances in my own home left me as my body hit the soft mattress. How wonderful it would be if I could just rest here. A sigh escaped my lips. No can do, as is tradition, on every second Saturday I have a guest to entertain.

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