Chapter 3 - Penpals

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The porcelain tea cup felt cold against my slender fingers as the books weighed down on my head. I looked at my instructor who was pacing in the library. I quietly sipped my tea as she had taught me.

"Now remember, when you get married your main role is to support your husband and your household. Therefore it is crucial that you do not let your feelings control your actions," she said firmly as she stopped in front of the window, her blue eyes gazing out to the garden.

I rolled my eyes as she gazed out. Why are they so obsessed with this outdated ideology? Really, they should look at the Albert family. The only child is their heiress and she outsmarts a lot of boys her age.

"Do you understand?"

"Yes, teacher," I answered and put my cup down.

"That concludes today's lesson. Next lesson we shall talk about dressing etiquette. Off you go."

I waved farewell as I closed the door behind me.

"My lady," Anne greeted me as soon as I looked her way, "a servant has arrived with a letter from Lord William."

"Interesting." We headed to my room.

Dear Lady Eliza,

How do you do?

Despite you making fun of me, your company was enjoyable. Please do not tell anyone that I am bad with sweet stuff, if you do still wish to invite me for tea then it would be good to know that I prefer fruit tea instead of herbal. However I will be busy with classes for the most part.

Yet again, it was an honor to meet you.


William Watson

Anne had already prepared everything I needed to respond, letter paper, ink, a pen and some daffodil scented envelopes. I pondered for a moment before writing my reply.

Dear Lord William,

I am well, thank you.

It was quite a surprise to learn that you do not handle bitter stuff well, however that is all right. It is good to know what your preferences are for our next encounter, I am not a picky eater so anything will do.

Feel free to come over whenever fits you, my schedule can easily be adjusted. May I inquire what classes you attend? There have been rumours that you are attending both scholarly and knightly classes. If you ever need help with anything do feel free to ask.


Elizabeth Vanidestine

I put the letter in the envelope and handed it to Anne. As I looked through some of the books for my classes Anne sealed the letter with yellow wax and stamped it with the Vanidestine crest, a marigold with two feathers surrounding it. The crest was fitting for such a toxic family.

I was in the library again, although this time my motive was not to study rather something else. A thick book laid before me and I flipped through the pages until I reached the one where it read, in big bold letters, 'Watson'. I took a good look at the family crest as I put the thick book down on a table. The crest had a shield, behind it stood the royal castle and flower stems neatly encircled both of them. I started making a sketch of how I would embroider his handkerchief. I dotted down every detail. The crest has only five thorns? I looked for when the book was published, it was over 60 years old which I had not noticed from its pristine condition. I beckoned for Anne to come.

"Anne, would you be able to find a recent book of all the noble families' crests?" I asked as we walked towards the bookshelf where it had previously been.

"Of course, my lady."

"Ah, there is no need to do it now. It is late after all."

"How about tomorrow morning then?"

"Whenever you have time."

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