Chapter 2 - "Mother"

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"Greetings, Lord Watson," Mother said and curtsied.

"Ah, greetings Ma-"

"No need to get up, I will just be borrowing Elizabeth for a second if you do not mind," she interrupted and beckoned me to follow.

We walked for what felt like an eternity until Mother abruptly stopped.

"Elizabeth, dear, what are you doing?" Despite her thoughtful words her voice was mocking and her eyes seemed to hunger for my suffering.

"As you said, Marchioness, I was entertaining MY guest," I said a bit annoyed, however as soon as I looked up at her I could feel the weight of the shackles binding me to this household. She quickly raised her hand that was firmly grasping her yellow fan, and I cowered, I could almost hear and feel the blow. However seconds passed, the blow had not yet connected.

"Look at you," she scoffed, "too weak to be able to do anything. Remember your filial piety, do NOT disrespect me." Her fan lightly hit the top of my head and I collapsed, shivering. Every inch of my body yelled at me to run, however my voice of reason quickly cut in and reminded me of the grim reality, I had nowhere to run.

"How many times have I told you to think before you act?" she sighed heavily and flipped her fan in front of her mouth.

"Many times, Marchioness."

"Yet you are laughing as our, sorry, your guest trembles from embarrassment," her voice was cold as she spoke, "did you think about what would happen if he had decided to retaliate in the future?"

"No, Marchioness." My body felt heavier for every word she spoke and I dared not look up at her to find that sadistic smile that I could hear through her voice. To see those eyes filled with excitement as she preyed upon me.

"I am adding more etiquette lessons to your schedule so that this does not happen again," she spat and hit her fan against her palm which made me flinch.

"Understood, Marchioness," I sobbed.

"Excuse me, whose daughter are you?" she asked to which I stumbled to my feet and straightened my back.

"Understood, Marchioness," I said firmly this time as my eyes began to sting.

"Good, show some pride," she said and walked off.

I collected my thoughts and calmed myself as I looked at Mother who seemed to be heading to the back of the mansion. Not only did her obsidian hair and dark skin stick out, so did her body, without the help of a corset she managed to have an hourglass figure, a blessing in the eyes of many. Thankfully however, I was not a copy of her.

I flinched as something warm touched my shoulder, I turned around to find Lord William standing there.

"You okay?" he asked, worried.

"Of course." I put on a fake smile. "I apologize for making you wait, what time is it?"

He reached in his pocket and took out a golden pocket watch.

"Some time past five," he answered.

"Oh my, if I remember correctly your mansion should be about an hour away."

"Yeah, I should get going, it was fun hanging out with you." He took my hands and smiled at me.


"If it's not too bothersome..." he looked at me shyly, "could we exchange letters?" he asked, bearing brown large puppy eyes.

"Of course we can, it will be important for us to keep in touch."

I waved to Lord William as he boarded the blue carriage bearing his family crest.

"You seemed to get along well," Anne said.

"Indeed, it was an enjoyable experience. Well then, shall we go in?"

"Of course, my lady."

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