For You, I'd Become Hercules - Daniel Ricciardo

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Summary: After many years spent apart from each other, Y/N gets back to Daniel, her childhood best friend, who happens to have held back a big part of his life from her. His son Theo.


You smiled as your eyes settled on your childhood best friend after all the years you had spent apart. "Hey, Dan," you chuckled. He closed the front door of his condo behind himself, making the two of you settle into the lightly dimmed hallway of his complex.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, letting his arms open to engulf you in a long hug.

"I promised you I'd move here after college," you said, smiling at him. "I got my degree and now I have a job here in London,"

"No way," he chuckled excitedly, throwing his arms around you again. "I'm so proud of you, I know-"

The loud cry that came from his door made his body stiffen as he let go of you quickly before inching back inside his condo, leaving the door open for you. He sent you a quick look behind his shoulder, forehead creasing. "This wasn't exactly the way I wanted you to know, but here we go," Daniel huffed under his breath while he walked inside the living room, you following right in tow.

A toddler sat in the middle of the room surrounded by toys, wailing his heart out until Daniel lifted him up in his arms, shushing him quickly. "Daddy-" was all the little one could say, wrapping his small arms around your best friend's neck.

Saying you were shocked was an understatement. You and Daniel had stopped talking to each other as much as you used to because of his career, of how busy he was. But missing out on a baby was a big thing, especially if it was your best friend's baby.

"Y/N, this is my son Theo," Daniel sighed, rubbing the little boy's back as his body shook with sobs. You let silence fill the room as you looked between Theo and his father, rubbing your forehead as you tried to get past the initial shock.

"Hi, Theo," you breathed out, sending him a small, reassuring smile. "I'm your daddy's best friend," you whispered sweetly, wiping away the tears that streamed down his cheeks.

Theo hid his face away from you, tucking it in Daniel's neck as he shook with another sob. "He's a little shy," Daniel mumbled, biting on his lip as he made his way inside the kitchen. "Want a cup of coffee before I leave for training?"


"Mrs. Blake, this is my best friend, Y/N," Daniel introduced you quickly to his neighbor, grabbing his duffle bag from the laundry room and making his way back to the kitchen, where you and the middle-aged woman stood. "Thank you again for coming over,"

"Daniel, will you just stop thanking me? We've been doing this ever since Theo was basically born," Mrs. Blake chuckled. "Do you need me to make him dinner?"

"Uh, no. Y/N is staying over, and I won't be long today," Daniel said, checking inside his bag for everything. When his eyes settled back on you, he sent you a quick, cold smile before bending down to kiss Theo's forehead. "I'll see you later, buddy. Okay? Be good for Mrs. Blake and Y/N,"

The toddler nodded absentmindedly as his focus stayed on the plastic dino he was playing with. As you looked down at him, you noticed the familiar traits that Daniel and he shared, from the mops of dark curls sitting at the top of their heads, to the familiar dark eyes and the nose you had found so strange when you were a kid.

You didn't hear the front door closing or Daniel's last goodbyes, too busy looking at the little guy sitting in front of you.

"So, tell me, Y/N, what are you doing here in London?" Mrs. Blake asked with a small smile, sitting on the couch right next to the floor-to-ceiling windows and motioning for you to join her.

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